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// List of folders that are ignored while scanning for Git repositories when `git.autoRepositoryDetection` is set to `true` or `subFolders`. Visual Studio Code User and Workspace Settings Skip to content Visual Studio Code Docs Updates Blog API Extensions FAQ Learn Search Download Version 1.75is now available! // - onSingleOrDoubleHash: Enable workspace header suggestions after typing either `#` or `#` in a path, for example `[link text](#_` or `[link text](#_`. For more details on this change, you can read the specifics on GitHub.--moduleResolution bundler. `null` defaults to the `pre` tag. // Show tag and attribute documentation in LESS hovers. It looks like you might be able to put some of it in your .editorconfig. // If set, automatically switch to the preferred color theme based on the OS appearance. // - wordWrapColumn: Lines will wrap at `editor.wordWrapColumn`. Nearly every part of VS Code's editor, user interface, and functional behavior has options you can modify. 1. // Controls whether to use your global gitignore file (for example, from `$HOME/.config/git/ignore`) when searching for files. // - contextMenu: Open the context menu for more options. I am confused. // Configure glob patterns for folders that should be excluded from automatic script detection. // - auto: Let VS Code detect which renderer will give the best experience. // Causes the Tasks: Run Task command to use the slower "show all" behavior instead of the faster two level picker where tasks are grouped by provider. "scss.lint.unknownVendorSpecificProperties". "markdown.validate.fragmentLinks.enabled". // Controls which protocol is used to clone a GitHub repository. // Configure settings to be overridden for the handlebars language. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. // Configure settings to be overridden for the jade language. // Controls the minimal number of visible leading lines (minimum 0) and trailing lines (minimum 1) surrounding the cursor. "editor.find.seedSearchStringFromSelection". // Controls the memory available to VS Code after restart when trying to open large files. If not set, will be inherited from the `http_proxy` and `https_proxy` environment variables. // - never: Never turn on Find in Selection automatically (default). // When enabled, will trim trailing whitespace when saving a file. // Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Definition' is the current location. // - fullscreen: Open new windows in full screen mode. // Sets the source from which ports are automatically forwarded when `remote.autoForwardPorts` is true. // - When specified as a user setting, the TypeScript version from `typescript.tsdk` automatically replaces the built-in TypeScript version. // Controls whether to automatically resume available working changes stored in the cloud for the current workspace. // When enabled breadcrumbs show `object`-symbols. "javascript.format.placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks". For new paths, add file extensions. // Whether to use the enhanced text diff editor for notebook. Not all User settings are available as Workspace settings. // Controls whether clicks scroll by page or jump to click position. // When enabled, insert a final new line at the end of the file when saving it. Please see sajad saderi's answer below for instructions. // Controls when the minimap slider is shown. It works for C# and JavaScript, I can't find an official list but it's more than just TypeScript. // Controls whether words are overwritten when accepting completions. // - offset: Open new windows with same dimension as last active one with an offset position. Stack Overflow. User and Workspace Settings - Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined // A list of URLs or local paths to CSS style sheets to use from the Markdown preview. // Controls whether a suggestion is selected when the widget shows. // - type: Show symbol outline in symbol type order. // - auto: Enable audio cue when a screen reader is attached. // A set of process names to ignore when using the `terminal.integrated.confirmOnKill` setting. // If an editor matching one of the listed types is opened as the first in an editor group and more than one group is open, the group is automatically locked. // - all: `cursorSurroundingLines` is enforced always. // Controls sorting order of editor history in quick open when filtering. // - always: Use a lighter weight syntax server to handle all IntelliSense operations. // Controls whether the task quick pick is skipped when there is only one task to pick from. // Controls whether the panel opens maximized. Is it possible to rotate a window 90 degrees if it has the same length and width? The visualStudio uservoice link is broken. Requires `search.useIgnoreFiles` to be enabled. // Controls pasting when the line count of the pasted text matches the cursor count. For example, application-wide settings related to updates and security can not be overridden by Workspace settings. It may be on "all", scripts, on "top" of the script section, or "never". // Controls whether the editor should highlight the active indent guide. Language-specific workspace folder settings - Same as Workspace Folder settings, but specific to a language. `explorer.fileNesting.enabled` must be set for this to take effect. // - recentlyUsedByPrefix: Select suggestions based on previous prefixes that have completed those suggestions, e.g. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? // - always: Confirm if the terminal is either in the editor or panel. // - matchingDocuments: Suggest words from all open documents of the same language. // - nonUntitledEditorsInActiveGroup: Save all editors in the active group except untitled ones before starting a debug session. // Global debug launch configuration. // - alwaysCommitToNewBranch: Always commit changes to a new branch. // When enabled, will show the watermark tips when no editor is open. // Controls the width of the cursor when `editor.cursorStyle` is set to `line`. "html.format.unformattedContentDelimiter". // - editorOrder: Editors are ordered in the same order editor tabs are shown. Folders are displayed before files. // Enable/disable default SCSS formatter. // - quotes: Surround with quotes but not brackets. // Controls the font family of the terminal. // Controls the commit message subject length threshold for showing a warning. // When enabled, Outline shows `key`-symbols. // The terminal profile to use for automation-related terminal usage like tasks and debug. // - default: Explorer will prompt before destructive undo operations. You may need to configure this if your sourcemaps require authentication or use a self-signed certificate, for instance. // - always: Always confirm if there are debug sessions. // Control which changes are automatically staged by Smart Commit. Select `left` or `right` to open editors to the left or right of the currently active one. // Controls whether to ask for confirmation before force-pushing. The log may contain file paths, source code, and other potentially sensitive information from your project. This requires a file icon theme to be enabled as well. I just found this extension called beautify in the Market Place and yes, it's another config\settings file. // - visibleAfterExecute: The cell Status bar is hidden until the cell has executed. Can be either a boolean to enable/disable ligatures or a string for the value of the CSS 'font-feature-settings' property. This setting should only be changed if you frequently encounter save conflict errors and may result in data loss if used without caution. // - modified: Files and folders are sorted by last modified date in descending order. The Activity Bar is the wide border on the left with various icons for different views such as the File Explorer, Search, Source Control, and Extensions. // Controls how suggestions are pre-selected when showing the suggest list. // Controls if file extensions (for example `.md`) are added or not for links to Markdown files. Following are multiple steps to configure prettier. Once the file is open in an editor, delete everything between the two curly braces {}, save the file, and VS Code will go back to using the default values. For example, `c` on `Console` or `WebContext` but not on `description`. // When enabled, Outline shows `class`-symbols. // Plays a sound when a terminal command fails (non-zero exit code). // - newEditor: Search in a new search editor. // - discovery time: Repositories in the Source Control Repositories view are sorted by discovery time. On Linux and Windows, this setting also affects the application and context menu appearances. "merge-conflict.autoNavigateNextConflict.enabled". // Controls whether to prompt the user to store working changes in the cloud when using Continue Working On. // Controls whether suggestions should be accepted on Enter in the Debug Console. You can configure Visual Studio Code to your liking through its various settings. // - 21: White on black or black on white. // Configure settings to be ignored while synchronizing. Glyph margin is mostly used for debugging. Now you can start editing settings specifically for that language: Or, if workbench.settings.editor is set to json, now you can start adding language-specific settings to your user settings: If you have a file open and you want to customize the editor for this file type, select the Language Mode in the Status Bar to the bottom-right of the VS Code window. // Overrides editor syntax colors and font style from the currently selected color theme. // Configure settings to be overridden for the json language. // - always: Ask for trust every time an untrusted workspace is opened. Setting to `null` (the default) will automatically choose a page size based on the visible area of the Timeline view. // Traces the communication between VS Code and the JSON language server. // - on: Tab complete will insert the best matching suggestion when pressing tab. // Controls whether the minimap is shown. You can now check and uncheck the Workbench > Activity Bar: Visible setting to hide and unhide the Activity Bar. // A set of command IDs whose keybindings will not be sent to the shell but instead always be handled by VS Code. // Whether to use separate undo/redo stack for each cell. // Configure the opener to use for external URIs (http, https). Not applicable in stylesheets or when emmet.showExpandedAbbreviation is set to `"never"`. When set to `0`, the value of `editor.fontSize` is used. You can also have more than one root folder in a VS Code workspace through a feature called Multi-root workspaces. Extensions using `true` will always be enabled. // Commit all changes when there are no staged changes. // When enabled, new Search Editors will reuse the includes, excludes, and flags of the previously opened Search Editor. // Alternative command id that is being executed when the result of 'Go to Reference' is the current location. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. What is the best code formatter for Vscode? // Controls whether a notification comes up when running the Sync action, which allows the user to cancel the operation. // - always: Auto attach to every Node.js process launched in the terminal. // - force-aligned: Wrap each attribute except first and keep aligned. When this setting is false the stop command on a sub-session will also stop the parent session. In general, VS Code extensions store their settings in your user or workspaces settings files and they are available through the Settings editor UI (Preferences: Open Settings (UI)) or via IntelliSense in your settings.json file (Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)). // Controls the font size in pixels in the Debug Console. // Enable highlighting link occurrences in the current document. // Controls whether to enable VS Code to be the authentication handler for Git processes spawned in the Integrated Terminal. // Configure settings to be overridden for the clojure language. Note that when this is true and the keystroke results in a chord it will bypass `terminal.integrated.commandsToSkipShell`, setting this to false is particularly useful when you want ctrl+k to go to your shell (not VS Code). // Control whether the notebook editor should allow moving cells through drag and drop. // Whether to display the environment changes indicator on each terminal which explains whether extensions have made, or want to make changes to the terminal's environment. Use `null` to use the default indent size. // - fill: The minimap will stretch or shrink as necessary to fill the height of the editor (no scrolling). The answers, including the selected one, seem to all be about selecting the default formatter. To do so, click the Configure button: Then choose Prettier - Code Formatter. In a multi-root workspace a choice for which root folder to use is offered. // Controls whether to show the commit input in the Git source control panel. // Defines space handling after type assertions in TypeScript. // Controls when the Markdown header folding arrow is shown. // - off: Never attempt to resume working changes from the cloud. // Configure settings to be overridden for the jsonc language. // Controls whether the built-in PHP language suggestions are enabled. // Controls whether the editor should highlight the active bracket pair. // Enable/disable including unique names from the file in JavaScript suggestions. "markdown.validate.fileLinks.markdownFragmentLinks". // Controls whether you can drag and drop a file into a text editor by holding down `shift` (instead of opening the file in an editor). // Configure glob patterns to editors (for example `"*.hex": "hexEditor.hexedit"`). // Controls whether the editor will scroll using an animation. Editor view state is stored per editor group and discarded when a group closes. The original size is 0 and each increment above (e.g. // Whether the cell status bar should be shown. // Controls whether a window should restore to full screen mode if it was exited in full screen mode. The minimum value is 8. // - inherited: On macOS and Linux, a new split terminal will use the working directory of the parent terminal. // - showErrors: Show the Problems view and do not start debugging. Errors due to incorrect setting names or JSON formatting are also highlighted. "typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterTypeAssertion", "typescript.format.insertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators", "typescript.format.insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis", "typescript.format.placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks", "typescript.format.placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions". This setting has no effect when the application is already running. // Avoid using `float`. // - selection: Render whitespace characters only on selected text. // Controls the maximum amount of lines that will be restored when reconnecting to a persistent terminal session. If you're using a workspace that needs custom settings but you don't want to apply them to your other VS Code projects. // Controls strikethrough deprecated variables. // - prompt: Ask how to handle untrusted files for each workspace. "terminal.integrated.windowsEnableConpty". // - never: Never seed search string from the editor selection. // - name: Sort the repository changes by file name. // Configure settings to be overridden for the coffeescript language. // The macOS profiles to present when creating a new terminal via the terminal dropdown. // - on: Show all symbols in the breadcrumbs view. Be careful since there will be no way to recover your previous setting values. You can use IntelliSense in settings.json to help you find language-specific settings. // - recentlyUsed: Select recent suggestions unless further typing selects one, e.g. // Controls whether inline actions are always visible in the Source Control view. // Controls the maximum number of local file history entries per file. Default settings - This scope represents the default unconfigured setting values. "workbench.list.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity". // Show tag and attribute documentation in CSS hovers. // - prompt: Prompt before opening a repository the parent folders of workspaces or open files. // Controls the behavior the 'Go to References'-command when multiple target locations exist. Warning: turning on this setting has a performance implication. // Controls whether to focus the inline editor or the tree in the peek widget. "editor.gotoLocation.multipleDefinitions". // Remember the last git command that ran after a commit. // Controls the size (in pixels) of the mouse indicator in screencast mode. // - notebookToolbar: The toolbar at the top of the notebook editor. "terminal.integrated.mouseWheelScrollSensitivity". Changes to settings are applied by VS Code as you change them. "terminal.integrated.enablePersistentSessions". "markdown.updateLinksOnFileMove.enableForDirectories". For example, path completions to a file named `file.md` will insert `file` without the `.md`. // Prefix used when creating a new branch. // Controls how many repositories are visible in the Source Control Repositories section. // - relative: Prefers a relative path to the imported file location. "javascript.preferences.autoImportFileExcludePatterns". The nature of simulating nature: A Q&A with IBM Quantum researcher Dr. Jamie We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. // When enabled shows the current problem in the status bar. // Ignores the warning when it looks like the branch might have been rebased when pulling. File nesting allows for related files in a directory to be visually grouped together under a single parent file. Workspace settings as well as debugging and task configurations are stored at the root in a .vscode folder. This log can be used to diagnose TS Server issues. // Controls the sorting order of editors in the Open Editors pane. "javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterConstructor". The settings.json file has full IntelliSense with smart completions for settings and values and description hovers. // When enabled IntelliSense shows `constant`-suggestions. "workbench.trustedDomains.promptInTrustedWorkspace". // The modifier to be used to add an item in trees and lists to a multi-selection with the mouse (for example in the explorer, open editors and scm view). If disabled, an editor will prefer to open in the currently active editor group. `ui` extensions are installed and run on the local machine while `workspace` extensions are run on the remote. // - auto: Insert `={}` or `=""` after attribute names based on the prop type.