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Pavlov realized some stimuli automatically elicited responses (such as salivating to meat powder) and other stimuli had to be paired with these automatic associations for the animal or person to respond to it (such as salivating to a bell). The motivation to form relationships with others is a central theme of: a. ego theory. Personality develops over five distinct stages in which the libido focuses on different parts of the body. d. psychodynamic. In this family, the children are also discouraged from asking for advice or seeking support. Examine the evidence both for and against your thought. c. paradigms. 20. Interestingly, younger adults are more likely to develop SAD than older adults. Therefore, there is no such thing as abnormal behavior. d. A child often deliberately (consciously) adopts so-called abnormal behaviors when interacting with the family unit as a way to maintaining homeostasis.. This is an example of behavior modification using: d. disengaged. d. Each model views childhood trauma as a factor contributing to abnormal behavior. He avoids visiting friends with dogs and crosses the street if he sees a person walking a dog coming his way. According to a 2018 report (Prochaska & Norcross), the dominant approach used by clinical psychologists is: a. existential. Essentially, they wanted to explore the possibility of conditioning various types of emotional response(s). The researchers ran a series of trials in which they exposed a 9-month-old child, known as Little Albert, to a white rat. The child learns to interact with others without yelling. It consists of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. But did you ever go to your grandparents house and grandma or grandpaor worse, BOTHtook pity on you and let you play your video games (or something equivalent)? Is this correct? Genetic issues and explanations. a. the humanistic-existential model b. the family-social perspective c. the cognitive model d. the psychodynamic model, 11. 17. One option to treat severe mental illness is psychotropic medications. Just because there is a relationship between culture and a particular disorder, it does not mean that culture causes the disorder. c. denial. For instance, Parkinsons disease is a brain disorder that results in a gradual loss of muscle control and arises when cells in the substantia nigra, a long nucleus considered to be part of the basal ganglia, stop making dopamine. This shows the recent belief that the key to psychological disorders lies in: a. specific brain structures. d. fixation. a. According to psychoanalysis, which statement is TRUE of psychological conflicts? If we are angry at someone, we may engage in physical or relational aggression to alleviate this stimulation. The use of these drugs has been generally beneficial to patients. c. They are only a problem when they reach consciousness. Possible side effects include weight gain, sleepiness, nausea and vomiting, panic attacks, or thoughts about suicide or dying. b. In Banduras experiment, children were first brought into a room to watch a video of an adult playing nicely or aggressively with a Bobo doll, which provided a model. d. case studies. The superego is partly conscious but mostly unconscious, and part of it becomes our conscience. e. Models of abnormality are general hypotheses as to the nature of psychological abnormalities. The sociocultural model of abnormality focuses on all of these factors EXCEPT: Greshka spilled iced coffee on her shirt while sitting in the park. Perspectives on Abnormal Behavior - CliffsNotes Messages moving from neuron to neuron must cross tiny spaces called: Which model of abnormality focuses on learning and the thinking that underlies behavior? Mind Reading Assuming others know what you are thinking without any evidence. Joanie has social anxiety. In fact, in many college classrooms, this is exactly what the instructor does. c. abnormality arises from an interaction between predisposition and stress. d. projection. b. existential. A person engages in multiple online discussions with a large number of friends on Facebook. c. There is a decreasing need for couple therapy based on current divorce rates. The paradigm, or model, adopted by people in the Middle Ages to explain abnormal behavior was the _____ model. 152. The structure of personality. The axon sends signals/information to neighboring neurons while the dendrites, which resemble little trees, receive information from neighboring neurons. d. catharsis. Biological Treatments for Psychological Abnormalities d. try to figure out the source of their troublesome thoughts. This newer type of cognitive-behavioral therapy emphasizes recognizing problematic thoughts as thoughts rather than judging them, acting on them, or fruitlessly trying to change them. OCD has an earlier age of onset in girls than boys, with most people being diagnosed by age 19. Infants tend to do things that feel good. Couples treated by couple therapy seem to show greater improvement than couples who do not receive treatment. Mason's parents always pay special attention to him when he takes toys from his little sister. 160. The goal is for the client to examine their own feelings and thoughts with openness and acceptance. Hence, this phenomenon is called spontaneous recovery. b. Marie comes from a supportive, loving family and has a stable socio-economic background. In explaining why women are diagnosed with anxiety disorders and depression twice as often as men, multicultural therapists would focus on: a. the biological differences between men and women. a. psychodynamic b. sociocultural c. cognitive-behavioral d. humanistic-existential, 9. We started at resting potential in Step 1 and end at resting potential in Step 6. When we try to establish how abnormality develops, we need to consider how individuals deal with the meaning of life and with the value they find in living. Resistance and transference are terms most likely used by which model? Consider your parents for a minute. Which model is MOST likely to predict that transference will occur during therapy? PSY470 Models of Abnormality - Running Head: BENCHMARK - StuDocu Finally, Freud used dream analysis to understand a persons innermost wishes. In 1935, Bertha was diagnosed with a tumor, and in 1936, she was summoned by the Gestapo to explain anti-Hitler statements she had allegedly made. _____ theory focuses on observable and conscious behaviors, whereas _____ theory focuses on unconscious processes. b. support the ideas of positive psychology. I know my grandmother used to. b. denial. c. operant conditioning. Supporters of the medical model consequently consider symptoms to be outward signs of the inner physical disorder and believe that if symptoms are grouped together and classified into . Hypnosis was used at first and relieved her symptoms, as it had done for many patients (See Module 1). During a meeting, Shondas manager asks her to free associate about her coworkers performance. Can our schemas lead us astray or be false? d. classical conditioning. Operant conditioning is a type of associate learning which focuses on consequences that follow a response or behavior that we make (anything we do, say, or think/feel) and whether it makes a behavior more or less likely to occur. The second major CBT strategy is called cognitive coping skills training. E. Regarding the diathesis-stress model, which of the following statements is false? Whenever she has to attend a party, she only speaks to people she knows well. Behaviorally test your thought. d. frustrating the client. b. cognitive-behavioral A patient has loss of neurons in the cortex and the basal ganglia. PSYCH205-FinalExam-Answers If a mother seems excessively involved in her child's life such that the two do not seem to be independent people, their relationship is said to be: Theory focused on the behaviors people exhibit and the thoughts they have is usually described as: Ashley is a pole-vaulter who is ready for her event. The rabbit was far enough away so as not to cause distress. c. overgeneralization. The four main models to explain psychological abnormality are the biological, behavioural, cognitive, and psychodynamic models. d. existential. Outline operant conditioning and the work of Thorndike and Skinner. 127. A girl values her self-worth even when she fails at something. 140. 53. Research on the relationship between religious beliefs and psychological health shows that people: who are devout and see God as caring and helpful are the healthiest. a. Existential therapy is very new, and there hasnt yet been enough time to conduct thorough research. a. humanistic-existential b. biological c. psychodynamic d. sociocultural, 5. Once collected or sensed (sensation is the cognitive process of detecting the physical energy given off or emitted by physical objects), the information is sent to the brain through the neural impulse. b. brain stimulation. The cat could escape the box and reach the food by manipulating a series of levers. Gestalt therapy is similar to mindfulness techniques in its emphasis on: a. using I language. a. religion causes people to deal better with the challenges of life. d. disturbing and inaccurate assumptions and attitudes. Which model of abnormality does this quote MOST closely represent? This is an example of: a. shaping. PDF Psychological Disorders This represents the psychodynamic models _____ assumption. The _____ model proposes that humans must have an accurate self-awareness and live meaningful lives to be psychologically well adjusted. Freuds psychoanalysis was unique in the history of psychology because it did not arise within universities as most major schools of thought did; rather, it emerged from medicine and psychiatry to address psychopathology and examine the unconscious. How so? Humans are born with freedom, yet do not 'naturally' strive to reach their full growth potential. The room contains a highly prized toy, but they are told they cannot play with it. There is no firsthand experience by the learner in observational learning, unlike enactive. To be considered distinct from other conditions, a mental illness must have its own set of symptoms. You are doing your best. Therapists who often deliberately frustrate and challenge their clients, and who often use role-playing and a here and now orientation, are _____ therapists. The answer is yes, and one of two outcomes is possible. c. role-playing. She ultimately decided not to copy, knowing that doing so was wrong. c. helping the client gain insight into his or her unconscious desires and needs. They add, Oftentimes someone being treated with CBT will have homework in between sessions where they practice replacing negative thoughts with more realistic thoughts based on prior experiences or record their negative thoughts in a journal. For more on CBT, visit: Models of abnormality - Wikipedia Low socioeconomic status has been linked to higher rates of mental and physical illness (Ng, Muntaner, Chung, & Eaton, 2014) due to persistent concern over unemployment or under-employment, low wages, lack of health insurance, no savings, and the inability to put food on the table, which then leads to feeling hopeless, helpless, and dependency on others. b. sociocultural Flooding and desensitization are typical respondent conditioning procedures used with phobias, and modeling arises from social learning theory and observational learning. The biological model of psychology says that psychological disorders are caused by biological problems. Brainscape helps you realize your greatest personal and professional ambitions through strong habits and hyper-efficient studying. They then realize their worth as a person but also that they are not perfect. c. ineffective treatment options. Really, the sky is the limit with reinforcers in particular. The paradigm, or model, adopted by people in the Middle Ages to explain abnormal behavior was the _____ model. Within the context of psychopathology, the behavioral perspective is useful because explains maladaptive behavior in terms of learning gone awry. a. Dysfunction b. A theorist who believes that someone who is labeled a hard worker will, in fact, become a hard worker is MOST likely a(n) _____ theorist. A therapist who believes people often hide from their responsibilities and therefore often feel alienated, depressed, and inauthentic would MOST likely be described as: a. humanistic. In 1895, the book, Studies on Hysteria, was published by Josef Breuer (1842-1925) and Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), and marked the birth of psychoanalysis, though Freud did not use this actual term until a year later. A goal of behavior-focused therapy is to: a. prevent feelings of anger and acts of aggression. ChaeWoo has been participating in weekly therapy for several years. 109. This led to a cognitive-behavioral perspective that combines concepts from the behavioral and cognitive models, the latter discussed in the next section. Their self-concept becomes distorted, now seen as having worth only when these significant others approve, leading to a disharmonious state and psychopathology. The greatest strength or appeal of the behavioral model is that its tenets are easily tested in the laboratory, unlike those of the psychodynamic model. Panel A of Figure 2.6 shows the naturally occurring response to the stimulus of a loud sound. What about other students in the class that you know? Chapter 3 Flashcards by Burton Dwight | Brainscape b. a severe mental illness and who is not a candidate for brain stimulation therapy. The existential perspective. The electrical portion of the neural impulse is just the start. Which model is MOST likely to suggest using free association to uncover unconscious processes? Hence, they experience conditional positive regard. Chapter Recap. c. working to change unacceptable thoughts. Most people who receive couple therapy report no real improvement in their functioning. The sociocultural model has contributed significantly to our understanding of the nuances of mental illness diagnosis, prognosis, course, and treatment for other races, cultures, genders, ethnicities. b. On later trials, the rat was presented (NS) and followed closely by a loud sound (UCS; Panel B). Which model of abnormality cites physical processes as being the key to behavior? 67. These medications fall under five major categories. According to psychoanalytic theory, which statement is TRUE about dreams? Choose one answer. The neural impulse proceeds across the following steps: Lets look at the electrical portion of the process in another way and add some detail. a. Which of the following exemplify secondary prevention? a. Anne has distant parents, failing grades, and insufficient funds for basic necessities and also develops depression. b. behavioral-focused The body has two coordinating and integrating systems, the nervous system and the endocrine system. The endocrine system moves slowly with hormones, released by endocrine glands, taking seconds, or even minutes, to reach their target. d. Freud. We then discussed biological, psychological, and sociocultural models of abnormality. According to the cognitive-behavioral model, this is an example of _____ behavior. c. intellectualization. 80. b. develop depression even when not under stress. What is learning? Resistance and transference are terms most likely used by which model? Gender is not a cause of mental illness, though differing demands placed on males and females by society and their culture can influence the development and course of a disorder. First, consider the list of side effects given for psychotropic medications. She died shortly after this interrogation on May 28, 1936. Participants have similar issues. Cognitive therapies. A health care provider prescribes disulfiram (Antabuse) for a client with alcoholism. Little Albert made no response outside of curiosity (NSNR not shown). 64. b. humanistic-existential. 131. For example, desensitization (Wolpe, 1997) teaches clients to respond calmly to fear-producing stimuli. Least difficult situations are handled first, followed by more difficult situations, all while rehearsing and mastering all the situations present in the hierarchy. Which model emphasizes the importance of conditioning in determining human actions? The humanistic perspective. Why is the psychodynamic model difficult to research? Based on related research, we would expect this person to have a _____ number of offline friends and to _____ share information with them. The hope is that the client will engage in self-examination with acceptance and honesty. Next, a fear hierarchy, or list of feared objects and situations, is constructed in which the individual moves from least to most feared. We may think so, but a review of the evidence for and against this statement will show that it does not and reduce how threatening it seems. This model dismisses the effect of nonbiological factors on behavior. Behaviors and thoughts may influence the development of psychological disorders. b. cognitive-behavioral If a therapist advised you to pay attention to how you were communicating with family members and to change harmful patterns, the therapist would MOST likely be practicing: a. couple therapy. Humans are born with freedom, yet do not naturally strive to reach their full growth potential. Fourth, it is difficult to empirically study psychodynamic principles since most operate unconsciously. This is called the. Module 2: Models of Abnormal Psychology The nervous system moves quickly with nerve impulses moving in a few hundredths of a second. a. focused primarily on unconscious thoughts, instincts, and conflict. c. Each paradigm is complete in itself. Chapters 1,2,3,&4 Test Jeopardy Template A patient sees a therapist to help her address her eating disorder. When treating religious patients, it is recommended that mental health professionals: encourage clients to use spiritual resources that aid with coping. Therapists who often deliberately frustrate and challenge their clients, and who often use role-playing and a "here and now" orientation, are _____ therapists. Rates of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) are four times greater in women than men. Which example BEST describes conditions of worth? She relapsed and was admitted to Bellevue Sanatorium on July 1, eventually being released in October of the same year. Which abnormality model best lends itself to laboratory testing in terms of evaluating its efficacy? Asking yourself what if something happens, without being satisfied by any of the answers. She ultimately decided not to copy, knowing that doing so was wrong. c. the id, ego, and superego. d. object relations. Nikolai runs past, grabs some of the cookies, and runs away. A therapist identifies a biological factor in a patient with depression. Add them up and see if making some minor, or major, adjustments to your schedule will free an hour to get in some valuable exercise. Figure 2.10. Its key figures were Abraham Maslow, who proposed the hierarchy of needs, and Carl Rogers, who we will focus on here. b. Rogers. Chief among these are neurotransmitter imbalances. With this knowledge, a plan is developed and consists of numerous strategies to act on one or all these elements antecedent, behavior, and/or consequence. The goal of therapy is to wean patients from their childlike dependency on the therapist. What form of psychotherapy is ChaeWoo receiving? Dontrall observed his parents generous behavior throughout his childhood. She could see the answers of the person next to her and briefly considered copying his answers. And if a nipple is placed in their mouth, they will also automatically suck via the sucking reflex. c. depression. c. prejudice and discrimination faced by women. Multidimensional Approaches to Understanding Mental Illness | Abnormal c. transference. The results of this study led him to conclude that _____ greatly affects mental illness. It was fun for me to swim in a lake near my house as a child. Rita is seeing a gestalt therapist because she has anxiety about confronting her sister regarding painful interactions from their childhood. Clarify how gender factors affect mental illness. Why is this? c. resistance. 120. The force that is in control in this example is the: Which model is MOST likely to suggest using free association to uncover unconscious processes? c. primary process thought. The _____ model proposes that humans must have an accurate self-awareness and live meaningful lives to be psychologically well adjusted. A patient has social anxiety disorder. c. unconditional positive regard. If you recognize your worth as a person, Carl Rogers would say that you have developed: a. spontaneity. Evaluating the cognitive model. 78. A primary focus of community-based mental health treatments is: a. education. 100. This therapy is BEST described as: Your romantic partner of four years ends the relationship suddenly and cuts off all contact. Racial and ethnic minorities must contend with prejudice, discrimination, racism, economic hardships, etc. 46. b. cognitive-behavioral. As opposed to the medical model, which emphasizes mental illness as . 54. For more on psychosurgery, check out this article from Psychology Today: 41. The medical model of mental illness treats mental disorders in the same way as a broken arm, i.e., there is thought to be a physical cause.. Messages moving from neuron to neuron must cross tiny spaces called: a. dendrites. They include Lisdexamfetamine, the combination of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine, and Methylphenidate. Briefly outline how communication in the nervous system occurs. c. irrational patterns of thinking. d. disengagement. What are the three parts of personality according to Freud? 23. 157. d. humanistic. What is the problem with a uni-dimensional model of psychopathology? A couple therapist who focuses on acceptance and positive change where possible is using _____ therapy. The pairing must occur more than once so that needless pairings are not learned such as someone farting right before your food comes out and now you salivate whenever someone farts (at least for a while. This single factor explanation is called a uni-dimensional model. There are two main ways they can present themselves. 154. c. consciousness, unconsciousness, and instincts. Psychodynamic techniques. a. depression b. Huntingtons disease c. social anxiety disorder d. schizophrenia. A person who is isolated and lacks social support or intimacy is more likely to: a. develop depression when under stress. d. it is too narrow in certain ways. Check out Figure 2.10 to see if you do. c. at one time what is now often labeled abnormal behavior actually helped humans survive. The somatic nervous system allows for voluntary movement by controlling the skeletal muscles and carries sensory information to the CNS. The drug causes severe vomiting if a person drinks alcohol while taking the drug. This is an example of: Providing treatment as soon as it is needed so problems that are moderate or worse do not become long-term issues is called: Failure to treat many people with severe disturbances appropriately is MOST often a problem with which level of prevention? You immediately focus all of your energy on the financial implications of your partner's departure and ways to save money. b. d. fixation at a lower level of ego functioning. Communication in the nervous system. When a child yells and threatens others, he or she is placed in a time-out, away from the group. A theorist who believes that someone who is labeled a hard worker will, in fact, become a hard worker is MOST likely a _____ theorist. 12. d. known risk and protective factors. d. synapses. c. result of childhood trauma. Genes, Hormonal Imbalances, and Viral Infections. You're likely receiving a message that encourages you to question your own interpretations and the accuracy of those interpretations. c. manifest content. Still, Sigmund Freud developed useful therapeutic tools for clinicians and raised awareness about the role the unconscious plays in both normal and abnormal behavior. c. double-blind studies. David Rosenhan sent pseudopatients to a mental hospital, where they pretended to be disturbed. Describe the role of genes in mental illness. Observational learning is learning by watching others and modeling techniques change behavior by having subjects observe a model in a situation that usually causes them some anxiety. A common example is Lithium; side effects include loss of coordination, hallucinations, seizures, and frequent urination. c. existential The defense mechanism that BEST explains this behavior is: a. intellectualization. Another respondent conditioning way to unlearn a fear is called flooding or exposing the person to the maximum level of stimulus and as nothing aversive occurs, the link between CS and UCS producing the CR of fear should break, leaving the person unafraid. c. superego. Evaluate the usefulness of the biological model. A therapist who believes people often hide from their responsibilities and therefore often feel alienated, depressed, and inauthentic would MOST likely be described as: The proper conclusion from research studies that show a relationship between devout religious people who see God as warm and caring and psychological health is that: people who are more devout are also psychologically healthier. It provides the strength to fight back or to flee (fight-or-flight instinct). Outline the structure of personality and how it develops over time. A psychodynamic therapist would consider this an example of: A patient's initial reaction to being told she has a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is to insist that the nurse made a mistake with the test. Hormones are important to psychologists because they manage the nervous system and body tissues at certain stages of development and activate behaviors such as alertness or sleepiness, sexual behavior, concentration, aggressiveness, reaction to stress, and a desire for companionship. Which type of theorist would focus on the athletes illogical thinking process as a key factor in her subsequent poor performance? d. The effectiveness of biological treatments cannot be objectively evaluated. a. existential therapy b. free association c. mindfulness meditation d. gestalt therapy, 98. a. low activity of GABA b. absence of dopamine c. low activity of serotonin d. excessive activity of norepinephrine. In contrast, Thanatos, our death instinct, is either directed inward as in the case of suicide and masochism or outward via hatred and aggression. We will cover this process in three parts. There is not a leader, and everyone is equal. Critics of the behavioral perspective point out that it oversimplifies behavior and often ignores inner determinants of behavior. In time, the cause of the persons psychopathology is due to all these individual factors. Which is a goal of acceptance and commitment therapy?