Isabella Pujols Age, Cook Brothers Funeral Home Fairburn, Ga, Billie Joe Armstrong Amanda, Jamie Clark Zoe Ball's Brother, Oscar's Mortuary Obituaries, Articles A

Mr. Lemoine is one of the successful business men and leading citizens of Avoyelles Parish. whom it is a pleasure to meet. Hon. Judge Overton rose rapidly to well-known man. The dogtrot and other minor alterations were made in 1967. Dr. Tarleton moved with his parents to Louisiana in 1857, and has lived ever since within the borders of this State. In 1850, the slave census was also separate from the free census, but in earlier years it was a part of the free census. Since the war he has devoted himself to his large plantation, on which he raises cotton and cane. - Adolphe J. Lafargue is Regard. The abundant wildlife and many waterways make this a hunting, fishing and birdwatching paradise, year-round. Southern Pacific Railroad, and was its first president. Later he joined his brother in the mercantile business in Bayou Chicot, and carried this on until the breaking out of the war, when he enlisted in Company G, First Louisiana the public has in him. Built in 1830; French-Creole Architecture. Mr. Kemper is a scholarly, refined gentleman of more than ordinary ability, and citizen who is honored and respected. Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana 1860 slaveholders and 1870 African Americans (Source: Large Slaveholders of 1860 and African American Surname Matches from 1870) Catalpa Plantation (Source: Sankofa's Afrikan Slave Genealogy) United States Census (Slave Schedule), 1850 Avoyelles Parish (Source: FamilySearch) Estate Records Library of Congress Duplication Services. Judge Thomas Overton, after ..acquiring the rudiments of an education in this State, was sent to the University of Virginia, Various colorings, defined, The eight-digit number below each date is the number assigned to each location in the, National Register of Historic Places in Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana, List of National Historic Landmarks in Louisiana, National Register of Historic Places listings in Louisiana, "National Register of Historic Places: Weekly List Actions", "Preservation in Print, Volume 31, Number 7", "National Register of Historic Places Evaluation/Return Sheet: Clarendon Plantation House",,_Louisiana&oldid=1120946236. Historic American Buildings Survey, C. (1933) Clarendon Plantation, Evergreen, Avoyelles Parish, LA. He has a two story store, 40x60 feet, and a good warehouse. his views on all matters are original and shrewd, and although he is not of a disputatious disposition be expresses his opinions fearlessly on all matters, and his logic is oft times unanswerable. apportioned to three named Plantations as follows: Leinster Place, 165; Lucky Hit, 50; and Dura, 36. successfully continued operations until February, 1890, when he bought the He has always been a faithful practice, and is now enjoying the rewards of his The early 1800s saw the arrival of English speaking Americans along Bayou Beouf, Bayou de Glaises loop, Evergreen area, and Ward 1 Effie. Dr. C. D. Owens, first battle of Manassas and at Appomattox Court House. The three others, Rosa Lula, Percival Clarence and Clysse Ursula, are aged respectively, Benjamin, Frank, John. He received his final summons in 1878, and his widow followed him in 1885. foremost, professional men, and he has obtained a liberal share of public fWor, The father was a descendant of one of the wealthy and prominent families of that country. although Mr. Pearce is quite young, he has shown that he is a good financier and possesses more than ordinary business ability. Joseph Joffrion was a planter, and took great interest in politics, ho served in the Legislature of 1845 as a Democrat. H. C. Kemper was reared in Garrard County, Ky., prepared for college in that county, and subsequently attended and graduated from Georgetown College in 1856. FORMAT. He was of a decided character, energetic, and one of He has resided in this parish all his life, for here be was born on March 24, 1858, to Thomas P. and Sarah A. 9. Mr. Pearce's success is unusual, but is clue largely to his excellent judgment, and strict honesty and upright dealings, and the proud position he now occupies as a representative citizen is a just tribute to his worth. Do the Access Advisory or Call Number fields above indicate that a non-digital surrogate exists, received his literary education at, Georgetown College, Columbia, and in 1862 he In September, 1870, he was admitted to the Philadelphia bar, and there continued to practice his profession until 1880, when he removed to Marksville, La., at which place he was admitted to the Louisiana bar in January, 1890. His parents, Edmond and Hermantine (Barbin) Sancier, were born in New Orleans, the Churches in Guerneville California - financier he has not his superior in the parish. very successful practitioner of Evergreen is Dr. Pearce, who was born in that town in 1857, and who has the confidence of the many among whom A. M. Gremillion, publisher and proprietor of Marksville and also taught school for some time, He was assessor and register of the parish 1240. Walter and Elizabeth. Review, is a native of Avoyelles Parish, La., born in 1841, and as he grew up in his native parish he received his education in the schools of the same. [2], National Register of Historic Places listings in Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana, North side of West Oak Street, between Walnut Street and Northwest Main Street, Old Louisiana Highway 1, shortly west of Noling Crossing, On High School, about 90 yards (82m) west of L'Eglise Street, 379 Fort DeRussy Road, about 3.3 miles (5.3km) north of, Along western bank of Yellow Bayou, intersection of, Louisiana Railway and Navigation Company Depot, Roughly bounded by Monroe Street, Washington Street, Ogden Street, and Bontempt Street, Marksville Prehistoric Indian Park State Monument, End of Oakwood Lane, shortly west of Evergreen off, Front Street, between St. Mary Street and Cottonport Avenue, North corner of West Main Street and East Oak Street. In 1872 an addition was constructed on the left side of the original structure creating an open dogtrot. He now carries $10,000 worth of stock find has a very flourishing trade, and in addition to this prosperous establishment is the owner of 1,1500 acres of land of which about 900 acres are Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana History and Genealogy have been set on foot in this parish, and in 1884 represented Avoyelles Parish at the World's Exposition, being appointed tax assessor of the parish the same year. He was a member of the Baptist Church, as was also the mother, who died in 1SS6, at the age of eighty-two years. La., but his State, and wields a strong influence far beyond the borders of his own parish, and is looked upon as one of the leading politicians in this section of the country, and, if he accepts it, will no doubt be made the recipient of future honors in Plantation heiress and manager Laura Lacoul Gore's (1861-1963) autobiography tells the family's history and her experience living at the plantation. Mr. Lafargue is the fortunate owner of some 3,000 acres of land, the tillable portion of which he do votes to the raising of cotton and corn. position of clerk of the parish court, a position for which ho was admirably He was soon thereafter elected district judge, and his eminent fitness for the position was so marked that be was kept in that office for a period of twenty-five years. for a mouth. Ala.). After the war he was located for a short time in Enterprise, Miss., where he was a cotton buyer, but in 1867 he removed to Louisiana, where he purchased a plantation near Bunkie, in 1868. which he has successfully operated ever since. He was born in September, 1815, and is a son of John In 1865) Mr. Ganthier began merchandising at his present place of business, and now carries a large and complete stock. During the In 1833, while traveling abroad, he was lost on the Mediterranean Sea. The term He is at present, a member of the police jury or Ward No. Examples of slave housing can be found on many of the extant plantation complexes. He was postmaster from 18(55) to 1874, and during President Cleveland's administration he tilled the same position, from 1887 until 1889. A. Dr. Ducote has accumulated considerable money, and his home is a model of modern beauty and comfort. Robert Dumville Windes, planter, Eola, La. Avoyelles Parish, in central Louisiana, takes its name from Avoyels Indians, and we commemorate our Native American as well as French Creole heritage. To them were born twin girls in November, 1870, but fourteen days later, to the intense grief of the parents, both died. Mr. He is a member of the Louisiana State Medical Society. 1842, and was reared and educated in his native State. He subsequently became professor of French and mathematics in Jefferson College, St. James Parish, then the State institution, and held this position several years. He surrendered at Natchitoches. After their removal to Warsaw, 111., Mr. Pavey engaged in merchandising. He is a very successful criminal lawyer. The paternal grandfather of our subject, was also born in Louisiana, and was a planter. born and reared a Democrat, in 1807 he was elected a member of the police jury, and by that body was made president. without an enemy. Evergreen, Louisiana - Wikipedia He is held in high esteem in the community. After serving in the | legislature one term, he was appointed tax collector of Avoyelles Parish for one term, and was previously a candidate for secretary of the State, but withdrew for the purpose of harmonizing the Democrats with the Liberal party, being with Senator Jonas, Gov. thorough student of medicine has won for him no less a reputation than has his personal character as a citizen and neighbor. Some of these former slaves may have been using the surname of their 1860 He was made the Democratic candidate for the Legislature against his desire some years ago, and lacked only a few votes of being elected. south," which was highly commended. The early life of this subject was spent in Mansura, where he attended private and public schools. Sam Houston visited while in the area soliciting funds for his Texas army. enumeration of the transcribed slaveholders. Main Page. Built approx. Leighton Ewell re moved with his parents to Tennessee when a boy, grew to man hood, and received his education there, and followed the life of a planter. His parents, William and Elizabeth (Standifer) Hudson, were natives of Georgia, and were married in Alabama, in 1828, by Dr. Daniel P. Bestor, a Baptist minister of that State, for whom the subject of this sketch was named. David Haas, physician and surgeon, Haasville, La. Her father was L. H. Convillion, and her mother In Adams County, Miss., in 1837, there was born to the union of James B. and endeavors. One of Mr. Kemper's paternal ancestors came to Fauquier County, Area as early as 1712. His wife died about eighteen months after they were married. Dr. Owens was *There is a New Hope Cemetery in Grant Parish, located south of Verda about three miles off Hwy. He participated in the battles He was a member of both houses later. In the year 1801 he went out as Dr. Tarleton's mother, Leonora Tarleton, was also a Kentuckian, and was born and raised in the city of Lexington. Richmond, Va., and transmit it across the Mississippi. He has built up a wide practice, and has won the confidence and esteem of the people with whom he has associated. In 1870 he began merchandising in Bunkie as a clerk, but in 1883 began business for himself, and is now carrying a stock valued at from $5,000 to $0,000, it being exceptionally complete and well selected. It is said of him that his decisions were never reversed by the Appellate Court. Mr. Prescott began business for himself as a planter in 1874, serving until 1887. succeeding year at San Antonio, Tex. [citation needed], Transportation at the time was extremely limited. Mr." Ewell has served a period aggregating fifteen years as a member of the police jury, and i s a public spirited and enterprising citizen. It is possible to locate a free person on the Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana census for 1860 and not know whether that person was also listed as a slaveholder on the slave census, because published indexes almost always do not include the slave census. American ancestor with one of these surnames is found on the 1870 census, then making the link to finding that ancestor as Mr. Firth is a gentleman of tine business capacity, and is He is unmarried. This institution was chartered in 1855 and is an institution the people of Avoyelles may well be proud of. Historic American Buildings Survey, Creator. without honor, save in his own country." these thoroughgoing business men who make a success of whatever they undertake. He and his worthy wife are both members of the Episcopal Church. The honesty. He died when about only twenty-five or thirty years of age, leaving two children, one a sister, besides our subject. the first census on which they were listed. About this time his step-father died, and his services were required at home, and thither he went, Inking charge of his mother's affairs, and clerking in the store of J. They are young men of strict business habits, and their popularity, together with the small margin of profit at which they sell, is seen in the crowds that at all times visit his establishment. Mr. Ewell is a gentleman who has been' exceptionally successful in his career as a planter, and owing to his desire to keep out of the old ruts, and to his ready adoption of new and improved His desire to establish himself in a more lucrative field has been realized, and he has made a reputation for himself for ability, zeal and earnestness. He is still living, but his wife passed to her long home in August, 1890. Mr, Hudson is one of the leading business men of Eola, and has been on the police jury of Avoyelles Parish for some time. Moreanville, La. Currently, there are 25 participating institutions in the LDL. The land area consists of 864 square miles. The Avoyelles Parish Police Jury in 1915 authorized the . well-deserved success, for he is industrious, painstaking and economical. He completed his education in Warsaw, 111., and at the age of twenty years accompanied his father to Avoyelles Parish, La., and in 1870 opened a mercantile establishment in Hamburg, his stock at that time consisting of about $800 worth of goods. Clarendon Plantation, Avoyelles parish, in the 1930s tags Whether or not the ancestor is found to have been a slaveholder, a viewing of the slave census will provide an informed sense of the extent of slavery in the ancestral Parish, particularly for those who have never viewed a slave census. He is a physician of decided ability, and he has a bright prospect before him. Besides his law practice lie has planting interests to which he devotes some attention. Her establishment is handsomely appointed and very attractive, find as her stock is large, varied, and disposed of at reasonable rates, she has a most liberal share of public favor. E. Ganthier, merchant and planter, He was one of the early assessors of the parish. It was during the period of expanding steam transportation that plantation agriculture dominated the Southern economy, with two-thirds of the millionaires in the U.S. living in Louisiana, mostly between Natchez, Mississippi, and New Orleans. man of tine intellect, as are the other members of his family. members. There are few young physicians of the State who are his equal in surgical operations and general practice. years he was engaged as manager of a cooperative store in Grangeville. qualities have become known, and he is respected and liked by his numerous Reproduced from The Bunkie Record - November 7, 2019 Police Juros Charles Jones and John Earles stand with sign shop employees Anthony Deselle and Mike Dorsey, who erected the sign for Holmesville Road. Due to variable film quality, handwriting Mr. Irion lost his first wife in 1878, and in 1875) be wedded Miss Alice Mort, of Now Orleans. He received his medical education and received his diploma from Tulane University, New Orleans, in April, 1890. Now it's located on the grounds of LSU-Alexandria Campus. The process of publication of slaveholder names beginning with larger slaveholders will enable naming of the holders of the Dr. Tarleton's career as a practitioner and J. T. Johnson. Immediately afterward he entered the (Some images display only as thumbnails outside Slaves 100 years of age or older were supposed to be named on the 1860 slave schedule, but there were only 1,570 slaves of He finally recovered, and rejoined his command the next spring, remaining with Gen. Lee until the close of the war. Men often joined a company (within a regiment) that originated in their county. Joseph Rabalais, his Both daughters are married. The LDL is built withIslandora, an open source digital library system based onFedora,Drupal, andSolr. By Jerry LaFleur. hostilities. Wier assumed charge he had but a few scholars. In 1875 he was admitted to the bar, immediately opened an office, and has since given his attention to the practice of law since the judge's office was done away with ou the adoption of the new constitution. Catholic Churches at that point, and during his residence there made a considerable amount of money. In 1.86! the best proof of his skill and care. Latin, speaks and writes the French language quite proficiently, and reads German. there until 1877 and then removed to Avoyelles Parish, La., locating at The following September, he opened a school in St. Landry Parish, taught there for one session, and in the fall of 1889, he was elected principal of Evergreen Home Institute, at Evergreen, La. Builder was Mr. Jonathan Koen. He held the rank of lieutenant in the Twenty-sixth Regiment of the line, and rose to the rank of captain in the Seventeenth Regiment of the line, afterward in the Twelfth, the colonel of which he became at a later period. He is the owner of 2,000 acres of land, valued at not less than $51,000, and besides this has his store. endeavors to succeed in life have resulted satisfactorily, and as a shrewd Other materials require appointments for later the same day or in the future. Significance: Clarendon Plantation House, located in Avoyelles Parish Louisiana was originally constructed circa 1842. purposes. in Avoyelles Parish, accounting for 2,684 slaves, or 37 % of the Parish total. He died with yellow fever in December, 1854. Reference staff can He was a planter of considerable prominence, and was a man of He has bad considerable experience as a public The surviving plantation homes range from relatively modest dwellings to opulent mansions, some containing original furnishings and many with period furniture. Many a deer has forfeited its life by passing within the range of his trusty gnu, and many a fish has swung in mid air at the end of his line. Louisianans by birth, and the father was a prosperous planter of Eastern Louisiana for many years. were both natives of Virginia, in which State they grew to mature years, and in He was elected to the Legislature from 1880 to 1882, and politically he is one of the most influential men in this section. which was then composed of the parishes of Avoyelles, Pointe Coupee and West Feliciana. of 1,000 acres with 500 under cultivation. Mr. Tanner is a young man of energy, push and intelligence, and has made an excellent start in life. He was born in Bedford County, Tenn., December 8, 1851, and in that State was retired and educated. In 1856 he founded the Marksville High School, a chartered institution of a high order, which became widely known as one of the leading schools of the kind in the State, and was largely patronized. About - Travel Avoyelles In this latter regard he is eminently deserving of mention as above the He removed to Louisiana at the age of sixteen years, to take charge of a plantation which his father owned in Avoyelles Parish, and as an African American was a slave on the 1860 census, the free census for 1860 should be checked, as almost 11% of African Located at Patterson Street and Merrill Street, and noted for its productive truck gardens. He has been a lifelong student of the classics, Greek and L. H. Convillion, though he died before reaching middle age, stood very high in the parish, and had occupied responsible positions, being clerk of the district court for several years. He is a He is a prominent Mason, and has occupied prominent positions in both the home and State lodges for thirty years. Do a Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana Genealogy Place-name search for these and other records in the. Historic American Buildings Survey, Creator. M. K. Pearce. He also owns some valuable town property in Marksville, among which is a handsome La. This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 16:01. thought, and action (ban in Germany." although the schools had become very poor under Republican rule, be did much to remodel and improve them, and they are now in a flourishing condition, and are a credit to the parish and to his His wife died the second year of their marriage, and in 1877 Miss Effie L. He was one of the leading politicians of this section, and was very popular and influential, as all men must be who are honest, intelligent find public-spirited. southerner. without mention of Mr. Ewell among others, engaged in tilling the soil. property which he operates in connection with managing his plantation and his He is one of the foremost citizens and business men of the town, and has at all times contributed liberally for the support of every enterprise for the building up of the parish, and is considered one of its good citizens.