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However, I do believe that this was Terrys murder and he controlled it. Mark Byers stated that Terry arrived at his home sometime after Meeks left. Police suspected the murders of Michael Moore, Christopher Byers and Steve Branch, all second-graders, were the work of a satanic cult. 8 A. [3], Terry Hobbs was 24 years old when he broke into the home of a neighbor, Mildred French. Even Terry said they usually ate dinner before Pam left for work (2). He then told the others to Get them, fuckers! Perhaps Stevie tried to sneak away. Since Jacoby knew that Hobbs was with Pam at 9pm, he clearly meant that Hobbs had left for the two hours that Jacoby had previously claimed they were together. Statement made by Anthony Hollingsowrth, cousin to LG, to police. If the cop has power, it's easy. I allege that these three women are correct in that they saw the three boys, I simply believe that they got confused on the time that it occurred. Even more damaging is the specifics of the way the three boys were tied up. Those who believe they are innocent claim it was a witch hunt due to Satanic Panic. Chris had bruises on his inner and outer thigh, indicating that he WAS held down and his legs were held apart. This is when Jamie would have remembered seeing Terry out on the sidewalk calling the boys home just as they would have shot out onto the street from her house. I allege that the two perpetrators, Jacoby and Hobbs, entered the water and began to submerge the boys deep in the mud in order to keep them from floating. HE ALWAYS TELLS THEM WHAT TO DO AND THEY DO IT. : de-gloving, was because of animal predation that occurred after death. While searching through the evidence, their lawyer and private investigator found a letter written to prosecutor, Scott Ellington in February 2012. Additionally, there is an ample amount of evidence, in my opinion, that Terry might have sexually abused all of his children. I believe, that the ME was speaking of long term sexual abuse of a child. I will support each theory with known public evidence. It would take another 14 years before he was even interviewed about his whereabouts that night. In Billy Stewarts statement, Terry had another drug dealer named Roy Taylor. When Hobbs finally contacted the police, he did so from a payphone, even though the boy hadnt returned home at 4 p.m. as instructed, and neither had Christopher or Michael. Basically, anything that both sides agree with I consider to be a fact because its gone undisputed. This lends credibilty to the theory that Stevie did in fact go home, and even ate some dinner. More specifically, turtles had bitten and clawed at Chris penis and scrotum as he lay for 18 hours in a muddy, watery ditch. The question about Terry propositioning David Jacoby has lead some people to defend Jacoby, claiming that he would not have told people he was propositioned if he really had a secret gay relationship with Terry Hobbs. I've gone down this rabbit hole time and time again. Either the perps knew the possibility of the bodies floating with time, or, the area where the bodies could be dropped in was not deep enough to completely hide them. NARLENE: She meant the mommy, the daddy and the son,(LG) she said I dont know whats going on over there and she said, they are making me nervous, shes a christian girl, she said and I got out of there, I said yeah, I get bad feelings around them too. The Hobbses are the mother and stepfather of Steve Branch, who. Shortly after arriving home, Terry was out in his driveway with Amanda, saw the boys outside Jamie Ballards home and called them to come to the house. What was he doing for so many hours in that small patch of woods? However, according to Billy, one of the boys kicked Terry after he was caught and brought to him. She claimed to have seen the three eight year old boys when she dropped LG off, but it was a very shaky sighting. With advancements in DNA testing, hopefully we will soon know exactly whose DNA this very small sample belongs to. By the time the crime scene was cleaned up, it would have likely been around 8pm; dark, which I believe helped the four escape undetected. I allege that he ordered the three to tie up the boys and explained that they should all be tied up in the same manner. When questioned later by police, he claims that on the day of the murders he was heading out to meet up with Jesse Misskelley at his Lakeshore trailer but never met up with him. RIDGE: ABOUT TIME WAS IT YOU WENT TO TRY AND GO TO THE CLUB HOUSE? The first most essential piece of evidence came from Stevie, Michael and Chris other best friend, Aaron Hutchinson. 5:30pm According to both Terry Hobbs and David Jacoby, Terry and Amanda show up at the Jacobys at approx. And someone like that can lie and lie and lie and lie, rigfht to your fuckin' face,because narcissism is about protecting the self-myth. This gave the men 2 and a half hours to let off some steam and possibly drink and get high. Unfortunately, the police had such tunnel vision about the reason why they believe the murders had occurred and who they believed the perpetrators were, that they basically ignored what Aarons statements really revealed; they unwittingly lead Aaron away from helping them find the true killers. (1) Its possible that the by the time the men could have entered into the woods, the three eight year old boys were already there hiding. Thursday, Hobbs told Action News 5 he didn't do it. "It's my. But the deeper I dug, the more I realized that not only was there no evidence to discredit that these four men committed this murder, all the known evidence supports the notion that they actually did do it. (Vickies interview 1993). The two teens jumped in the truck with the men, stopped by Billys home and bought the weed and then drove around the back streets of West Memphis, smoking and drinking whiskey. One woman, in particular, saw the boys inside the woods from her truck when traffic has slowed. Terry did not tell me who he was calling until hed completed the phone call and came out to the car. He did not tell me who he was calling, and he did not tell me that Stevie was missing, Pamela previously told investigators. Sound like way to describe some ritual, smoke signal, face paint stuff. They had been stripped naked, hogtied and beaten. The West Memphis Police Department and other officials are being accused of stonewalling the release of the evidence for over a year and informing Echols team that the evidence was lost or destroyed. Listening now! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. After an altercation with his wife, Pam Hobbs, wherein he reportedly hit her, he shot his brother-in-law. My theory is this: Stevie had never seen the men in the woods having sex before. Why else would *Chris* have patterned bruises on his thighs(could be finger marks)? They lived only a few blocks from each other after all and LG already had a suspicious relationship with an older man. Why in the world were the two men (or Terry alone) searching for the boys when it was light out if Terry had already said that Stevie could stay out till 8:00 pm? Further, I have another theory why the crime scene appeared so clean. The kind of men who do these things are, uh. The only conclusion I could see from everything is that Hobbs is clearly a narcissistic pedophile. RIDGE: DID YOU EVER SMELL THE SMOKE? However, this was never corroborated by police. Hobbs may be awful, but nothing accounts for the beating and drowning that took place. So, according to Aarons mother, Vickie, the clubhouse, which was located in the Blue Beacon Woods, was a spot where her son often went to play and any time he was late to come home it was because he was out playing in those woods. He believed that the men, this time, saw the boys spying and killed them. VICKIE: ANY TIME MY CHILD DIDNT COME HOME ON TIME THATS WHERE I WOULD LOOK FOR HIMRIDGE: OKAY, YOU HAD BEEN THERE ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS? No. The second that Terry would have hit Michael in the face or head, would also be the split second he knew all three had to die. Also, Chris and Michael told Aaron never to tell Stevie. Its also interesting that Narlene is claiming that Damiens mother is lying about Damien being with her. He isn't going to sway me to their innocence because I've done my own research outside of his book. Problem is, many of the things he says about him are also true for the WM3, at least Damien. David Jacoby lived on 17th between 14th and Ingram. The Blue Beacon Woods was connected to the Robin Hood Hills which was the last place the three boys had been spotted on the night of the 5th. As Bennies statements suggest, as well the MEs position on Michaels injuries, there is good evidence to suggest that Michael was violently attacked first and then lay unconscious for the rest of the crime. A rather uncommon knot for a regular person but a very common knot for a former butcher or farmer. In the second statement, Narlene describes to police a conversation she had with LG outside of the police station right before a police interview. I highly doubt it. Apparently, LG walked in and asked for his cousin Dominis telephone number. Aaron adds a few more details to what the boys had seen down in those woods: RIDGE: UM, DO YOU THINK THOSE MEN WERE CRAZY? This theory was supported by police who were at the crime scene. LG never mentioned whether he was dropped off at home or not, but I have a theory about what happened next, which I will now describe. West Memphis 3 murders Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Apparently, there was a bank near the ditch that appeared to have been slicked down and cleaned off to the point that there was no grass or leaves at all in that one area. 92.According to L.G., Mr. Hobbs snapped and hit the boy with severe force in the head two or three times. The way that the boys were found undressed and tied up would have been humiliating! He had a history of crime and domestic violence, and he shot his brother-in-law, allegedly in self-defense. 4:00 Chris leaves leaves Pams house to meet up with Stevie and Michael who are out riding their bikes in the neighborhood. The clubhouse was a spot where Aaron, Chris and Michael would go play in the Blue Beacon Woods. If the cop is a nobody, it's marginally tougher, but still doable. Back to the timeline. Or alone at night with people swarming the area. The only person whose DNA would be in that ligature isthe person who tied the knots, Echols said. Terry was born in Northern Arkansas and grew up in the Ozark Mountain region of the state. With what we know about Stevie and how much he feared Terry, it seems impossible that Stevie would have been the child who kicked Terry. As I mentioned previously, this statement is an enormous indicator of truth, in my opinion. I think those questions have easy answers. I believe that their bias came into play when they claimed that, just like they claimed Chris drowned even though they admitted he died before he was put in the water! I believe that after Terrys attack on Stevies face, and with Stevie still quite conscious, this is when the tying of the children began. David claims a little black girl told them the boys were heading to the woods. And, it had to have been between 5:30 and 6:00 because Chris abandoned his skateboard by 6:00 and joined Stevie on his bicycle. In fact, she too brings up that Buddy was working that day as if that proved anything. Aaron Hutchinson also stated that the clubhouse consisted of some old boards: AARON: IN ROBIN HOOD UH, THE PLACE WHERE THE BOARDS ARERIDGE: WAS IT THERE WHERE YOUR CLUB IS OR WAS IT SOME WHERE ELSE IN THOSE WOODS?AARON: IT WAS RIGHT BESIDE OUR UM, TREE HOUSE, And in 2011, pleadings for further DNA testing of the boards that were found next to the clubhouse: RIDGE: OKAY. I dont know what L. G. is capable of, and I am not saying that he would do it, and I am not saying that he wouldnt, but I know Damian. I believe that David did ask Terry where Stevie was when Terry showed up at 5:30 and that Terry told him the truth: Stevie was riding his bike and would be back by dark (8pm). OKAY AND AH I SAID SO YAWL WENT THERE EVERYDAY. I TOOK AARON TO TODD AND DANAS HOUSE AND UM, TODD ASKED AARON IF HE MIGHT KNOW DID CHRIS OR MICHAEL SAY ANYTHING TO HIM, TO THE EFFECT WHERE THEY MIGHT BE. ALRIGHT DID CHRIS AND MICHAEL DID THEY TELL YOU THAT THEY THOUGHT THEY HAD GOT CAUGHT. He was called a 'baby killer.' Is there any reason NOT to believe Terry Hobbs is guilty of the murders other than simply believing that the West Memphis Three did it? Misskelly, who has a low IQ, reportedly gave detectives a false confession which helped a jury convict the three of murder. After Terrys attack on Michael, I believe Terry left him on the ground unconscious. I think its likely that Terry took the board with him as well to dispose of later or had it thrown in the bayou. VICKIE: ARRON TOLD ME THAT UM HE AND MICHAEL AND CHRIS VISITED THEIR CLUB HOUSE EVERYDAY AND THEY ROAD THEIR BIKES AND THEY WERE SPYING ON 5 MEN AND AH I ASKED HIM WHO THEY WERE AND HE SAID I DONT KNOW MOM WHO THEY WERE I JUST YOU KNOW WE JUST SPYING ON EM I SAID WHY WOULD YOU BE SPYING ON 5 MEN YOU KNOW AND HE SAID WELL THEY WERE THERE EVERYDAY SO WE WOULD WATCH THEM. One of them even went up and knocked on the door and spoke to Michaels sister, Dawn. He was most likely placed near the tree becase one of the perpetrators used the tree as support in order to enter the water. I think Michelle died of a broken heart, possibly organ failure due to drug abuse. Published: May. But what we found over the years of investigating and in the process of creating the series people, their memories fade. Pam concedes on one condition: Stevie must be home by4:30 or he will be grounded from his beloved bike for two weeks. She hasnt seen him or Michael by this point. SO THIS FRIGHTENED ME, SO I GOT AARON OUT OF THERE AND WE WENT HOME. Though the family was well-to-do, Terry was having financial problems when the three children were murdered in 1993. Stevie Branch was also tied with a less common and more complicated knot on one side, a Figure Eight Knot. If you read this report, it discusses threats Damien made against his parents, and they say they do not want him in their home because they are afraid of him and afraid of what he would do to the other children: 9pm at night, and according to her, he was wearing a white shirt and tie. ! Retired FBI profiler, John Douglas, as well as profiler Brent Turvey both believed the entire attack was punitive in nature and that the perpetrator was teaching the boys a lesson for either a real or percieved transgression. This is most likely when Stevie asked Terry if he could continue riding bikes with his friends. After ending his first marriage, he wed Pamela Hicks Branch in 1986, when her son Stevie was almost 2 years old. WHAT DID YOU ALL HIDE AND WAIT FOR THEM?AARON: YEAH (YES) WILL WE ALWAYS. I personally believe that this boy was Michael Moore. This is a big deal. However, knowing that a DNA sample was found on Stevies penis coupled with the knowledge that Chris may have allegedly been bitten on his penis and scrotum as well, I feel the chances are quite high that Stevie, too, may have been bitten in his penis. The third boy was found in the water at approx. It is my belief that only Stevie and Chris were stripped at this time because Michael was most likely already unconscious. In other words, a bite on Stevies face would likely mean that his perpetrator was a parent or step-parent. In fact, the very first place that he and Pam looked before Pam went to work was Michaels house. I am scared and I am fearful . My suspicion is that LGs parents knew he participated in this crime ( I will touch more on this later) and Narlene, being LGs aunt, probably had some limited knowledge of his participation, too. (1, 2, 3) This means that not only did Narlene lie repeatedly to police and in court, but she convinced her two children to lie under oath as well. WHAT DID IT SMELL LIKE DID IT STINK?AARON: YEAH (YES) IT STUNKRIDGE: WHAT IT SMELL LIKE?AARON: IT SMELLED LIKE, IT SMELLED LIKE A CIGARETTE JUST GETTING LILT BUT IT WAS A DIFFERENT KINDAaron tells police why he believes his friends were killed: RIDGE: TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK HAPPENED?AARON: THEY UM, THEY WENT DOWN TO WATCH THOSE MEN AND. Not only did they not ever contact the Echols defense team in search of a deal for their help, Buddy Guy didnt send his letter to the prosecutor till the WM3 were out of prison. subscribe to the Crime Stories with Nancy Grace podcast. It means its likely that he never went home. He was home during the evenings when his wife worked a four-hour shift at Catfish Island. Her relay of the conversation seems to reveal that Narlene is talking to LG as if they both know that Damien is guilty. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The type of DNA testing utilized pertains to mtDNA. This theory supportsbothsides of the debate. RIDGE: ABOUT TIME WAS IT YOU WENT TO TRY AND GO TO THE CLUB HOUSE? On top of Terry possibly molesting Stevie and being very jealous of him, I've no doubt Pam kissing another man and then the subsequent murders is just glaring motive. Seeing animal prints in the woods at that time, or tire tracks in the field would not have been meaningful to them at all at that point. Just as the stripping of the clothes and the bites and stabs to groin; it all suggests a sexual element to this crime. However, like I said, he makes what I think is a pretty good case for Hobbs' guilt, too. Yet, when Jared asked about the evidence possibly being tested in the future, Hobbs said he was against testing anything else and as far as he was concerned, the case was solved when Echols, Misskelly, and Baldwin were arrested. UNLESS YOU KNOW NOT GETTING UP THERE AND LOOKING AT IT ALL. Cookie Notice She claimed to have seen the two walking as she was on her way to pick up her sister from work but there are serious problems with her statement. What this means, is that the injuries to Stevies penis may have been the result of an abuser repeatedly preforming oral sex on him. Chris Byers brother and others also confirmed that the boys played in those woods very often and the very first statements made by both Aaron and Vickie were that Aaron and the boys played in those woods and secretly watched men engage in sex. And, since Pam regularly made dinner at 4:30, Stevie knew that dinner was going to be around this time. Narlene interjected herself all over this case. 6 Q. However,wehave the ability to read all the information and evidence that is available to the public, and its not difficult to see that itallsupports that this theory is more than just a theory. As CrimeOnline previously reported, Damien Echols, along with friends Jason Baldwin and Jesse Misskelly, were convicted of murder in 1994, in connection with the murders of Chris Byers, Michael Moore, and Steven. Right as this happened, Terry, who was their neighbor, called to Stevie to come home. Additionally, there is an ample amount of evidence, in my opinion, that Terry might have sexually abused all of his children. VICKIE: I REALLY COULDNT TELL THAT. However, since LG was wearing a tie that day and the alleged confessions state the teens wrestled, its my belief that LGs shirt and tie had been removed for the entire murder, which meant that it was clean. Not only was he punishing and dominating him, but he was expressing his repressed anger and shame associated with being bisexual or homosexual. In Terry Hobbs daughters own diary she talks about having dreams about having sex with her dad and that she is sure that he didnt molest her from age 15 years old to 19. And if Aaron's story is true, Terry Hobbs may have been involved in homosexual activities and smoking something in the woods with other men and the boys were possibly caught watching them as they'd done multiple times. Turtles would be most attracted to areas that were soft and already leeching blood, according to experts and that is why it appears as though Chris groin had both stab wounds before death and animal predation wounds after death. Indicating that, just like the 4perp indicates, Stevie was alive the longest. I personally believe that this boy was Michael Moore. Apparently, the medical examiner stated that the fine scratches on Stevies penis are similar to those from children who have sexually abused, i.e: given oral sex. Had LG engaged in sexual activity with Hobbs and Jacoby prior to this day? It is likely that you will come away from this with a clear understanding of who murdered Stevie Branch, Michael Moore and Chris Byers and why. There is no way that if this really occurred, Terry would have allowed those boys go home to tell their parents that, not only was Terry Hobbs in the woods having sex with men and teenagers, but he punched his stepsons friend in the head for catching him. At 6:40 the men may have shown up in the BB woods, some wrestling may have occurred and some drinking and/or smoking and even the beginning of sexual activity. Ive been trying to bridge what Peretti said happened with what the defense experts said. As CrimeOnline previously reported, Damien Echols, along with friends Jason Baldwin and Jesse Misskelly, were convicted of murder in 1994, in connection with the murders of Chris Byers, Michael Moore, and Steven. LG, as well, had raised some suspicions himself by carrying on an unusual relationship with a much older man. ! Retired FBI profiler, John Douglas, as well as profiler Brent Turvey both believed the entire attack was punitive in nature and that the perpetrator was teaching the boys a lesson for either a real or percieved transgression. RIDGE: ALRIGHT, YOUVE BEEN TO YOUR CLUB BEFORE WITH THEM? The darkest shit about all of this, is that they sensationalized this case as some bullshit Satanic fantasy. and all of it just covers up the sobering truth: this kind of child murder happens every day. One of the mysteries of this crime is the location of the bodies in the drainage ditch. It seems extremely unlikely that one person would have been able to do this on their own in such a short period of time. The question whether the mark on Stevies left eyebrow is a bite mark or not has been the subject of great debate by experts and followers of the case for years. RIDGE: ALRIGHT, WHEN YOU SAW THESE FIVE OUT THERE IN THE WOODS AND THEY WERE DOING THESE THINGS THAT WERE BAD OKAY WAS THIS AT DAYTIME OR WAS IT NIGHTTIME?AARON: IT WAS BOTHRIDGE: IT WAS EARLY IN THE MORNING OR LATE AT NIGHT OR LATE IN THE EVENING?AARON: IT WAS, WHEN EVER WE GOT OUT OF SCHOOL WE WENT THERE ABOUT FOURRIDGE: OKAYAARON: AND THEY NEVER GOT THERE BEFORE WE DIDRIDGE: YOU WERE ALWAYS THERE FIRST. Why was Terry 18 minutes late picking Pam up? Peretti believed that and the Echols defense team, although claiming that Chris must have drowned, all admitted that Chris died while he was being tied up. The removal of the clothes was a very significant act. If Terry had dropped LG off at 8:45, he could have arrived at the Byers by 8:47 pm, just about the time that Mark Byers testified he arrived. Which means hecouldhave been walking with Buddy right at the time Terry and David would have shown up. VICKIE: UM, WEST MEMPHIS POLICE HAD ALL OF THE AREA ROPED OFFRIDGE: OKAYVICKIE: I WENT TO THE DEAD END IT WAS YOU KNOWRIDGE: DEAD END? Terry Hobbs was born in 1958 in Northern Arkansas, one of four children, son of Edith Raylean McLeod Hobbs and Joe Dean Hobbs, Sr. Hobbs, Sr. learned his trade as a butcher while in the military and went on to open thirty restaurants. (1) When Stevies autopsy was performed, a partially digested green-vegetable like substance was found in his belly. Those who didnt know the case that well simply believed that Chris entire penis and scrotum had been cut off with a knife. Essentially, the statements made by Dr. Perretti are not much different than if Pam took her son to a doctor, had him examined and was then told by the doctor that Stevie had injuries related to sexual abuse.