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- Host (Talking to the Judges about the same answer), "The Judges are saying '(I/We need to)(Be)More specific.'." Karn: Name someone you would find in an operating room.Contestant: The operator. If you said Milk, you had the Bullseye answer. (From/All the way from (insert city and state,), (Returning for their (x) day, with (a total of)$XX,XXX,), you're still alive." Something kids fill with water. Thank you. Harvey: Name something a doctor might pull out of a person. What's the top answer to this question: What's Found in nearly ever refrigerator? - Richard Dawson (when the answer did not made the survey), "Three seconds!" ", This answer will decide who will play for $XX,000., "We're giving you $500on the Green Dot re-loadable Prepaid Card. Harvey: He's praying? - said upon the final answer in Fast Money, "But, if he/she does it all by his/herself, don't bring (insert other contestant) out." The original host was Richard Dawson, but Steve Harvey runs the show today! If you said the Number One answer is (insert Bullseye Answer), you hit the Bullseye!" Harvey: No, you didn't, on national TV, set us back 30 years. ", has a chance to win/force Sudden Death. But, if you or your partner can come up with 200 points or more, you'll win $5,000/$10,000/$20,000/(Bullseye/Bankroll amount)." We won't know until we play the Feud!" - Ray Combs, "Join me!" - Ray Combs (on occasion during the Triple Round if time runs short). (insert two winning family members). Contestant: You got to keep it full, Steve. "Who's gonna play for $5,000/$10,000? My daughter, and my wife, my two sons I love. - Louie Anderson (Playstation), "Now remember, whoever's in the lead at the end of this questiongoes on to play Fast Money, and a chance for $20,000!" Harvey: It explains, you know this explains, you have all the answers, but that we will be on the board. It's our last show, and I have to tell you, that whoever wins this and they play, normally they'll come back, they won't. "Five dollars a point, total of $(XXX,)XXX dollars, and they are coming back to play again on Family Feud." Don't let him/her see the clock. Thank you. Thank you so much. We'll settle this Feud right after this. - Host (Talking to the Judges that they needed to be more specific of an answer. "You know, I've done this show for six years, and this could be the first time that I had a person that actually got no points, and I think it's a damn fine way to go out. Thank you, please. - Ray Combs (whenever the winning team is halfway through 200 points during Fast Money), "You had that on the other side." Combs: Name a famous male country/western singer of all time. - Family Feud Host, "We surveyed 100 Men/Women this time." Come here, give the animal right here. Combs: Name a tradition associated with Christmas. - Louie Anderson (going into a second commercial break from 1999-2002; although he makes funny jokes about the answers after the last round), "When we come back, we're gonna Triple the points and find out who's gonna play Fast Money and a chance for $20,000. Dawson: Name an article of clothing that children are always losing. Read the first question (e.g., Name something you eat on Thanksgiving) and the first person to hit the buzzer has five seconds to answer what they think is the best answer. - Louie Anderson, John OHurley, and Steve Harvey, "I'll/I'm gonna/Let me finish (reading/asking)/re-read the question." For Steve Harvey's first year of hosting, Joey Fatone opens the show by saying the name of the game show, his own name and location.). If you can't think of something, say "pass", and we'll come back to it if there's time left." Discover everything about America's hottest game show, hosted by Steve Harvey. Harvey: Those--Those people on top row over there. Because, if it's not up there, there's not enough points, so the other team wins." - Ray Combs after the first family member gets over 200 points on the first try, "Come out here and hug 'em!" With the star of our show, AL ROKER! You made me feel like a man. Harvey: Name something that you pass around.Contestant: A joint. - Ray Combs (on a Returning Champion failed to win Fast Money on the last show), "Let's play the Bullseye Game!" Now, shh, shh, shh! We would take a moment to remember him as a great man, who made our show a dream come true. [audience erupts in laughter]. Ang magpipinsan from Caloocan, ang Abuel Family (Kharmella and French Abuel) vs ang defending champion, ang De Guzman Family (Cheska at Shane De Guzman). Combs:[during Fast Money]A Christmas present you exchange. - Richard Karn (said during the first single point round), "One answer remains up there." I'm Ray Combs, the new host of the show. Harvey: Name something that can ruin a kiss.Contestant: A mustache. The channel changes to a political debate. If we still have a show! Slowly! Hollywood, CA 90028.. - Steve Harvey (said after the first half of Celebrity Family Feud). When I get to you, you'll get three seconds to answer it. I'm(your man) Steve Harvey, and we/we'vegot a/anothergood one for you tonight! What are y'all clappin' for?! [laughter erupts] Well, if it's still attached to the car, it would be dangerous. I'm gonna say a few words at the end. You fill it up. (insert two winning family members). Use the sound effects app to play a right (ding) / wrong (buzz) sound effect. You understand that don't you?". Harvey: Name something in their homes that people always keep hitting. I wish you are. O'Hurley: Name the fastest-selling drug.Contestant:Marijuana. Combs: Name a good place to keep a second phone. Whoo! ", "It's time for Family Feuds (insert name of tournament)/aspecial (name of edition) edition of Family Feud!". It all starts now,with your host AL ROKER!!! We surveyed 100 people; top (insert number) answers areon the board. According to statistics, this game is the third most famous show in all-time excellent TV shows. It's/Introducing (insert team #1) playing for (insert charity)! Even if I never work again, they'll just be near me. Get online!" O'Hurley: Name something that a fed-up wife might finally tell her husband to do for himself.Contestant: Umsatisfy himself. STEVE walks out to family feud music. You and your family could win a lot of cash and a brand new car! - Richard Dawson (going into a final commercial break before Fast Money is played; 1976-1985 and 1994-1995), "I need two players for $5,000/$10,000/Fast Money. What are you doing at your house? Our returning champions, you might know them, are called the Kakadelas Family." "It's Celebrity Family Feud, the ultimate star-studded Tuesday night event! 1. s03e05 - Family Feud Tran script. Let's see. Besides medicine, tell me something else you can buy at most drugstores. What would he want to be buried in other than a casket? Karn: Name a word that rhymes with "cookie".Contestant: Nookie. Thank you." Im sorry! - Said ifthe contestant buzzed in before Steve asked the question, "Welcome back to (the) ((Celebrity) Family) Feud(, everybody)! Combs:[during Fast Money]A city in Mexico. Let's start the FAMILY FEUD!!!! We got a good one today. Sometimes, a contestant reads the plug. Thank you, thank you! Dawson: Name a popular Halloween costume. Dawson: Name a part of a telephone. Call me! FAMILY FEUD HOSTS GO OFF SCRIPT! Contestant: In nothing. The number 2 answer is Butter. Contestant: I don't know if they're white, alright. As Jaylen and Don noted, the questions are written in specific ways to get "Steve Goes OMG!"-inducing responses from the contestants. - Ray Combs (upon a strong shout sometimes whenever an answer scored zero in Fast Money), "Didn't make our survey." ", Louie: "Welcome (to the Family Feud)! - Gene Wood (1985 Daytime Finale). - Ray Combs said after the first half of the Fast Money round, "(insert 1st name) got you (insert points gotten by 1st player). Dawson: Name a city in the state of Georgia. What a life? Harvey: How long could you go without buying something new. Bing. Dawson: Name a time that most people get up. Call me! - said after the first half of the Fast Money round, "We'll cover those answers, and we'll bring out (insert name)(who has been kept offstage)." "- Richard Dawson, "This is going to be a little different from normal. And we go to Sudden Death. [buzzer]. Oh, let us do right here, man. If player 1 makes a correct first guess, they get control of the round. We're/We are looking for (insert answer)! Let's make sure the board is cleared. It's the (insert family #1), playing against, the (insert family #2)! Harvey: Two of these people are teachers in the family! Contestant: Oh right, that was close in the area. This template can be used for showcasing any sort of game content you can think of, including any Family Feud-type games. - Richard Dawson on the first taped episode of his 1994 comeback. You, (insert second winning family member), get out of here! ", 19881994:Daytime 19881992/Syndicated 19881992; 19931994: "Let's meet/Introducing the (insert family #1 (and their names)), ready for action! Run. O'Hurley: A magazine you'd hate to find in your child's bedroom.Contestant: Weapons-R-Us. If you've just tuned in, boy, we've got agreat one for ya! What you ain't gonna do is drag me into your little nasty world! +Ray would announce the Bullseye answer after he came out. In 15/20seconds, I'll ask you five questions, you give me five answers; try to give me the most popular answers. - Richard Karn (2004-2006), "I'm John O'Hurley saying goodbye for now." Contestant: I'm a product development consultant,and Steve Harvey is touching me!Harvey:*jumps back, startled*Did that sound like a lawsuit to y'all? O'Hurley: Name a famous Carey (or Cary/Carrie).Contestant:John Kerry. - Steves opening tagline,the speech in parenthesesis used since 2011, "Before we start, there's somebody/someone who wants to wish you luck (in this Comfort Inn Hotel Family Moment)." Contestant: Yes. [BUZZ]. Combs: Van Waylon. "Family Feud" has been around for decades and has become an icon of American television history, forever associated with dueling families and its catch-phrase, "Survey says!" "Feud" debuted in 1976, one of many great game shows created by Goodson-Todman. ", (Same words but it got arranged in a different order. [mouths to camera: "No way."] Harvey: Name something that gets passed aroundContestant: A Joint. Let's go to Billy. Dawson: Your bra! Alright, today we got great actors versus great directors. - said before the second contestant plays Fast Money, "Let's remind everyone of (insert name)'s answers!" Happy Birthday, America. Welcome to Family Feud. - Ray Combs. O'Hurley: SomeoneBugs Bunnymight invite to his birthday party.Contestant: Doc. - Gene Wood (1976-1985), "For tickets, just send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Tickets, CBS Television City, Family Feud, 7800 Beverly Blvd. {turns to board] Shoes! - Ray Combs/Richard Dawson (when the winning family member passed on "Blank" answer and got no points in Fast Money), "What did the/our survey say?" 100 people surveyed, top (insert number) answers are on the board. I'm gonna ask you 5 Bullseye questions, each increasing value by $1,000, which means you could win up to $30,000." (ding) Clock will start/starts when I've finished reading the first question." "BEN/BAN/BAIL!" - Ray Combs, "BULLSEYE!!! - Ray Combs (going into a commercial from 1989-1994), "We'll meet the (family #2) when we come back." (thats in) Hollywood, Calif. (thats) 90028! . Politician 1: You're not answering the question! HOO! (Upon the Champion's 5th and final game for the car), Im sorry! - Ray Combs from the first half of the 1992 pilot, "(Ray holding the microphone saying "Thank you!") Thank you so very much, hello to the Kakadelas family, welcome to the Del Campos! Harvey: No, name something you fill. Dawson: Name a fruit that starts with "A". O'Hurley: One ofOprah Winfrey's favorite people.Contestant: Regis Kelly. Anderson: Name something teenage boys can do for hours at a time. Harvey: Name a place people like to escape to.Contestant: A drunken state!Harvey:*looks up with a 'what the hell' expression*. Thank you! Introducing the Speir Family: Bob, Dee, Lisa, Paula and Greg, ready for action! Let's start the FAMILY FEUD! O'Hurley: Name a mischievous animal.Contestant: Uh Beaver! Whoever gets this Top/(Number) Oneanswer wins/will win the game." So, write to us, won't ya? Show me Van Waylon! (Do you wanna)Play or Pass? [contestant buzzes in, laughter and applause]I Know! Harvey: Name a word or phrase that follows the word pork.Contestant: "Upine"Harvey: Huh? O'Hurley: 401 Contestant: 401(k) jelly. Combs: Name an excuse that a girl uses not to invite you in after a date. ", "Did any of our 100 people in the survey said (insert answer)?" Dawson: Name a question such as how old are you, that you might answer with a lie. Rank Video Game PowerPoint Template. - Louie Anderson and Richard Karn(said during the Triple Round, to a controlling/opposing family whose bank may or may not have enough points to win, from 1999-2003), "If it's up there, (and you have enough points,)you'll play for $10,000/$20,000. Go back (to the podium)! Contestant withPatoisaccent: Richard, Me gonna go alone and say "Arange". You are not naked, this is the worst, scantily clad for strike 2. O'Hurley: Something associated with theDallas Cowboys.Contestant: Cowboy hats. Harvey: Name a job that's dirty but someone has to do itContestant: Plumber. YOU SAID BONER! Contestant: Maybeher husband's home. Premiere: "This is Joey Fatone from UniversalOrlando Resort in sunny Florida! Subscribe for more 6 FUNNY TIMES STEVE HARVEY WENT OF SCRIPT On Family Feud | Bonus RoundFollow on Bonus Round on Facebook . I had the best staff you've ever dreamed of. If not, they get to play for $10,000/$20,000, because, mathematically, you don't have enough points." We'll miss you, Louie." Thank you very much, you made me feel right at home." This is one of our four different day time shows at I host. 0. So stay with us." The (insert winning team) won the game. Louie was a contestant on Celebrity Family Feud way back in 2017, of which he have inspiration for the Feud. You win (the game (and the car))/get to play Sudden Death. You got to try to find the most popular answer to this question." Introducing the (insert family #1 and their names), playing against (our returning champions,)the (insert family #2 and their names)! Here we go with another Face-Off!" - said during the second half of theFast Money round, "You said (insert answer). - Ray Combs (whether or not there's one answer left to be revealed), "Not there!" START OF THE SPIEL: "If it's not there, (insert family teamname) "This answer is for/worth a brand new car. Let's check the scoreboard." detail ( Bell dings) Tray: Alright. There were more bad answers, including Spain, Fiji, Armenia and Saudi Arabia. My aunt & uncle. - Ray Combs (to the family with the highest score can still make a possible win of 300 during the fourth Question [usually the Double Round]), "I'm only going to read the question once. - Steve Harvey (commemorating former host Feud Louie Anderson in 2022), "We'll be right here, right on the Family Feud. In the Continental U.S., call [[6]]. O'Hurley: Name a part of your body that never gets sunburned.Contestant: My butt. The player that has control of the round will keep guessing and collecting points until they guess all . - Louie Anderson (said during the Triple Round, to a controlling/opposing family whose bank may or may not have enough points to win; early from 1999), "That answer has to be up there for you to stay alive/steal. "Welcome to the newFamily Feud Challenge! Contestant: Wet! That said, the show *does* rerack questions. Dawson: The price of a dozen roses. "Hey! (tosses his card off stage)" - Louie Anderson (1999-2002), "See ya next time, on the Feud!" (Upon the Champion's 5th and final game for the car), your family steals, your family wins the game/$XXX,XXX. - Host about Tournament Finale, "For this game, though, we're changing things a bit. Groups and organizations are most welcome." Combs: Name something a woman out on a date would hate to discover on her face. O'Hurley: Name something that everyone knows aboutAl Gore.Contestant: He's aRepublican. O'Hurley: Name an actor fromBaywatchwho is still hot today.Contestant:Brad Pitt. - Louie Anderson (at the start of the Triple Round from 2001-2002), "But, I'm only going to read the question once, so everybody pay attention/listen (closely/carefully). Harvey: One of them is cry everything. It still continues to this day bringing new fans for every season it's aired. Family Feud. O'Hurley: Name a way which you can make bathing a sexy experience. - Ray Combs on the first episode of the CBS daytime version from 1988 [including a reference joke from The Price is Right], "Thank you. ([. If I look happy tonight, I am. - Richard Karn (going to a final commercial break before Fast Money is played; 2003-2006), "I need two people for Fast Money. That's my favorite answer this year. Steve Harvey: Well, you had me fooled! You come over here with me. You're a great sensation. (insert two winning family members). I thought that was thestupidest answer Harvey: Name a kind of crack.Contestant: Crackhead.Harvey:(resignedly) This show is going to hell. Every one of them is playing right now in that little TV that you can watch while you're pumping your gas. [time's up buzzer] Oh, to hell with that! Contestant: The bottom part. ", "300 is the magic number! You know, our ratings weren't that good, and they were so great. Contestant: Willie the Pooh? It's all about points. Playing against, the (insert family #2)! Combs:[during Fast Money]Name something you must have in order to live. I just have to thank this crew. Where do you see this first one? - Richard Dawson, "(Yes,) They did!" (NOTE: Remember that the slides with the answers display them in order from 1 to 5. [Contestant's answer: "A duck."] But, most of all, we love a challenge and the thrill of winning against all odds. (Ill bewaiting for ya.) [BUZZ]. Dawson: A food associated with Christm- [chuckles] food associated with Christmas. If I been in the mirror, down the little girl down there, paper doll came down there. "- Ray Combs on the first episode of the Bullseye Round from The New Family Feud in 1992, "Welcome to the Family Feud. Harvey: You think because youre pronouncing the word "naked nekkid, that means it's different? Who are those people? Dawson: Name something you might accidentally leave on all night.