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Had she done so, the exchange would have gone like this: Why did you organise a defence of your husband Bill based on calling his rape-accusers nuts and sluts, and how did you feel when you learnt your Presidential husband had inserted a cigar into a young interns vagina in the Oval Office?. MLS # 22029453 Thats the first factor. [15] It examines the way people adapt to life-changing blindsides, drawing on Sales' personal experience as well as her years covering high-profile news events that drastically changed people's lives. That she generally gives conservative politicians an amiable armchair ride, while ferociously grilling Labor and Greens MPs. SALES TO SANDERS: I notice youre not addressing the central premise of my question which is how somebody like Donald Trump squares with the values you espouse? Conservative British MP Simon Fell rejectsclaims by Opposition Leader Peter Dutton that the UK does not have capacity to build a new class of nuclear-powered submarine for Australia under the AUKUS program. Suck on that, Kerry OBrien, dissolving the panel, which included Scott Morrison, into fits of laughter and creating a memorable television moment. The headline was a mistakeIt was a f***ing mess, Baquet told the staffbut joined other newsroom leaders in cautioning staff not to overreact to Twitter comments about the papers editorial decisions. Theres nothing like that on Australian radio that I can find. Your book makes it clear that youre heavily guided by your Christian faith and family values. SALES: Because of your activism, youve attracted plenty of controversy. Leigh Sales spends 32% of her interview time on Innovation Statement and the rest on political intrigue is that professional journalism? ABC Classic FM is OK but it does play an awful lot of dirges, good for you music that obviously seriously musically-minded people enjoy, but that people driving along hoping to get something tuneful they know and love in the classical canon will rarely find. In an article published on Tuesday morning, Sales took aim at the insidious and unhinged political bullying on Twitter from politicians acolytes, lackeys, fans and proxies, mostly but not always operating anonymously. Here, shespeaks to fellow journalist Dr Anne Summers about gender equality in the media, the concerning rise of niche news and what shed like to ask president-elect Donald Trump. peterda123. [7] Sales joined the ABC in Brisbane in 1995.[3]. In her article, Bullying on Twitter has becomeunhinged. Then I have a player push them through into the cars sound system. Hence, the minute I get into a hire car in the UK, on goes Classic FM, the profitable radio station that brings together music fanciers like me, playing shorter excerpts of the well-known favorites to charm the day and ease the troubled mind. Yours Sincerely. And I think probably there was a failure of that, because people dont seem to have been listening carefully enough to what the white working class in the United States were saying. After stepping down as host of 7.30, Leigh Sales delighted fans when she announced her new gig and her return to television screens. But neither is suggesting that such deplorable behaviour is in any wayconfined to Twitter users or the exclusive domain of the Left. The suckers and losers alleged quotes were nothing but a Democrat/media hit job based on anonymous smears in the face of attributed denials by several/many senior people present at the time. Short program, you say? This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. Leigh Sales on the ABC TV's 7.30 last night Sept 16) "interviewed" Donald Trump's former press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders. We built our newsroom to cover one [fake] story, and we did it truly well. Sales interview of climate hysteric Jane Fonda was also deeply respectful, even when her guest lamented that she had only one servant in her $US5.4m Los Angeles mansion. The veteran journalist delivered her final show on Thursday, June 30, 2022with an emotional sign-off after more than a decade of hard-hitting interviews. Close to home, I caught out an ABC reporter lying that Trump had called COVID-19 a hoax, and the ABC corrections team agreed and posted a correction. The story of those tense days was captured by award-winning Australian photographer Andrew Quilty, one of the few Western journalists to remain. Further evidence that Frank Sinatras famous description of his Australian media persecutors was perceptive, and that nothing much has changed in the half century since. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. However, are female journalists frequently bullied on social media in particular and are the perpetrators actually representative of the Left? So great has the cult of Anzac Day become, any dissenting voices are now attacked, condemned and vilified. Those questions would have been followed up with the reprimand barked at Sanders, Mrs Clinton, you are not addressing my questions., LEIGH SALES: Somebody who has watched 30-plus years of your career would see extreme hours, high pressure, sexism, relentless public attacks, loss of privacy, HILLARY CLINTON (laughs): Ooh, sounds pretty horrible, doesnt it? Join the IA newsletter for regular updates on our latest news stories. Leigh Sales has revealed the date of her final show at the helm of ABCs flagship current affairs program, 7.30, along with what she plans to do next. Verified. But whether or not that is the case, the criticism, by and large, appears to be of her professional performance. All the others and I include here Tony Jones, Leigh Sales, The Drum, Fran Kelly, Alison Carabine, Sarbra Lane and Marius Benson and others. I also wonder if Sales edited the taped interview, she and all such interviewers can ensure they look good if they can edit first. Sexist attacks on social media, and everywhere else, are never okay. Please take heart! This happens to many of us and it is should never be tolerated. A footnote to this is that Sales is being talked about as a replacement for Uhlmann, who has indicated he will retire after the election as Nines political editor. Yet this is the topic that the ABCs Leigh Sales chose to champion this week. It is a matter for a commercial entity like Twitter to ask itself and my understanding is that it is whether the treatment of journalists, in particular female journalists, on its platform is acceptable.. She suggested Gillard was overstating her case after the then Prime Minister said,Under an Abbott government, womens voices would be banished from political life a prediction that has certainly been upheld at every turn by the Abbott and Morrison regimes, if not quite to the same degree by the Turnbull Government. But some armchair critics on Twitter repeatedly accuse her of going soft on conservatives and too hard on Labor. When I and many like me stop watching, because I can no longer stomach their full-on PC virtue-signalling aboriginal schtick and climate alarmism we can hope that the lower ratings for the show will cause them to mend their ways. She started her modelling career at early age of 12 for various magazines and catalogs. In a thread, the reporter for The Australian wrote that she had received death threats. The Walkley Award-winning journalist was appointed as presenter of7.30in December 2010, during her time with the program Sales covered the terms of five Prime Ministers, nine federal budgets and two federal elections. by gregorius Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:13 pm. He feels terrible. It was thought, probably with good reason, that news, documentaries and maybe even music programs would have a decidedly urban bias and thus not cater to the interests of country folk. Stan Grant and Virginia Trioli have also been named in the mix. Pussy-grabbing talk? Why are Australian viewers bombarded with crap like Planet America-more anti Trump? Im thick-skinned, and Im not going to let a bunch of awful trolls who dont know me get the better of me, but Id be lying and letting others whove experienced similar down if I said that the kinds of messages Ive received over the past couple of days dont have an impact.. Leigh Sales started her final day as host of 7.30 after a 12-year-stint by posting a video outside a convenience store, dressed in trackies and clutching a donut and a 7-Eleven coffee. Noel Pearson speaks to Sarah Ferguson. Come off it, lady. All rights reserved. DG: I never drive on the Eyre Highway. The federal government has announced it will start a new round of water buybacks to help it achieve a key target under the $13 billion Murray-Darling Basin Plan. One of Channel Tens most prominent personalities has decided to leave the network and return to the world of academia. Those positions are overwhelming filled by men. The ABC News Breakfast host has left Twitter. Listen to people that you disagree with. Sales first question to Sanders was: Can Donald Trump tell the difference the truth and a lie? The basis for Sales insult was that the Washington Post claims to have fact-checked presidential statements and found some 20,000 alleged lies by the President. Is sexist bullying confined to Twitter users or the exclusive domain of the Left? With Australia now anticipating "significant conflict" in the Indo-Pacific, the whole jumble and chaos of our defence strategy has become just a tad alarming, as well as depressing as ever, writes Laura Tingle. But I also feel that that is fitting in a broader context about awareness of power generally, because I feel like every single night when Im hosting 7.30, that I see stories in which people in power are exploiting or taking advantage of people with less power.In many cases, people that they have been paid to care for, or have expressly said that they promise to serve and I see it all the time, every night on the show. She served the Queen for 17 years - first as her press secretary, then as her assistant private secretary. This isnt from the media, this is from General Colin Powell, the US Secretary of State during the last Republican administration; He has not been an effective President. Theres been mounting speculation that ABC executives were likely to appoint either Insiders host David Speers or political correspondent Laura Tingle, who filled in as 7.30 host over the summer break. Am I alone in being nauseated with every change of location in Gardening Australia being told that we are now on land of the watsamattabrudda tribe sorry, thats First Nation? Indeed, is it only female journalistswho experience such bullying? Powell is the John Hewson of American politics, the liberal touted by progressives as a conservative. Try to understand where theyre coming from. It contains news and opinion from Australia and around the world. The longtime presenter has revealed the date of her last show as host of the ABC program and what shell do once she finishes up. Sales originally made the announcement that she was stepping away from the 7.30 program on February 10, 2022, telling viewers she would leave the desk in June 2022 following the Federal Election. Independent Australia is a progressive journal focusing on politics, democracy, the environment, Australian history and Australian identity. It's been a year since the US withdrawal from Kabul. PLEASE DONATE NOW! She was one half of a double-header with Chris Uhlmann, then an ABC political reporter. True. Lisa has deactivated her account because she was on the receiving end of some truly vile & distressing personal attacks, Rowland wrote on Twitter.