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All rise when the celebrant sings the conclusion of the Secret(s); they sing Amen and the responses to the dialogue that introduces the Preface and listen to the Preface. From The Private Diary of Bishop F. Atticus McButterpants , LENTCAzT 2023 11: Ember Saturday in Lent: Transfiguration, From The Private Diary of Bishop F. Atticus McButterpants 23-03-03, LENTCAzT 2023 10: Ember Friday 1st Week of Lent Regret, From The Private Diary of Bishop F. Atticus McButterpants 23-03-02. What earlier generations held as sacred remains sacred and great for us too, Please sit near the front of the church and if possible near the side aisles. October 2017 These are areas of responsibility that a deacon husband and father must not ignore, none of which would ordinarily preclude the deacon from also attending to his liturgical responsibilities as a member of the clergy. 44-45) and the Leonine prayers after Mass. I thought the music was just beautiful and I thought the choir did a great job with the music, he added. May 2014 Father celebrated Holy Mass in the extraordinary form. The positive aspect of this disconnect from the choir/congregation is that it emphasizes the role of the priest at Mass as precisely that "priest" or mediator between God and Man. A terrific resource for music for the Latin Mass, and books and . The report described the new structure of the Mass and the changes that were put into it, in addition to the reform of the Divine Office. The Graduale Simplex, prepared at the request of the Second Vatican Council, provides simple chants for the Ordinary Form Mass "for use in smaller churches". (set on "Do not disturb") at Holy Mass with no page turning much less Now, outside of Mass, the priests should be friendly and "down to earth". Low Mass is characterized by the fact that the priest does not chant the parts of the Mass that are assigned to him by the rubrics. January 2019 that seeks to bury what "generations held as sacred," I offer for your consideration: A calendar list of links to pdf's (one or more for every day of the year) It's okay for a priest or a deacon to take a serving role. to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass, or, who wants I was reminded of this recently as I was sitting in choir at an Extraordinary Form Solemn Mass. The Traditional Latin Mass is the liturgy of the Catholic Church that was in widespread use before the New Order of Mass was introduced in 1969.It is also known as the Usus Antiquior or the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.Another name for the Traditional Latin Mass is the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.This liturgy incorporates the Mass, the sacraments, a variety of ceremonies of blessing, as well as other elements. Assistance This, too me, shows exactly the "disconnect" between the priest and the laity. Do not cross in front of the altar - just stand in the front side aisle where you were sitting. In July 2007, Pope Benedict XVI restored the Traditional Latin Mass as one of the two forms of the Mass in the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church. July 2020 My daughters sit with their grandmother in a pew in the front row. In the past, however, the term was primarily architectural. This is scriptural. I am pretty much equally devoted to the ordinary and extraordinary forms -- my gratitude for the impending third anniversary of Summorum Pontificum balanced by my eager anticipation of the forthcoming new English translation.But I regret the comparative thinness of the OF that I feel results from its one-dimensional or sequential linearity.While I see as a glory of the EF the multi-layered depth that (I assume) is a consequence of its development under the influence of the Holy Spirit (moving in some of the strange ways described in histories of the liturgy).Coincidentally, I recall thinking yesterday -- as our schola rendered a very lengthy and elaborate chant of the gradual/tract (psalm) -- that our priest (sitting and listening after himself formally proclaiming it to God) surely appreciated no less than the rest of us the depth and layers of meaning brought out by the intricate Gregorian chant (as is its purpose).Of course, there is no reason that the OF should be deprived of these chants that are prescribed in the Graduale Romanum for it also. - Links to pdf's, each containing some form In a supremely excellent way the Priest acting in persona Christe, and not as himself, is in that moment of Eternity extended by Grace to the masculine role in the Great Wedding Banquet of the Lamb. McDonald. By Conor Dugan. March 2017 the Proper specific to that Mass. 7. Be informed that in the traditional Latin Mass, Holy Communion is ONLY received on the tongue, and ONLY at the altar rail or at the kneelers at the foot of the altar. The Proper. The SJLMC began hosting the Extraordinary Form Mass at St. Joseph's Chapel in the residence of the Brothers of the Holy Cross at St. Edward's University. Every single one of the Churches that follow these non-Latin traditions is just as Catholic as the Roman Catholic Church. Thats humbling. The arms do offend the rule that metal should not be placed upon metal (i.e., gold should not, I must say the stemma (arms) are rendered heraldically correct! Sometimes you may be invited to serve at the altar, but if not, let the pastor know youd like to sit in choir. crescenta valley high school tennis coach; olivia and fitz relationship timeline. JanMichael Joncas, Marty Haugen, and Tony Alonso lead us throughreflection on our Eucharistic liturgy and its power for our lives. Its a little hard to imagine the scenario, but, sure. May 2019 It is much slower and more meditative. Fr, you mentioned a gathering of deacons. If more than one deacon is present at a given Mass, the GIRM suggests that the various duties of that ministry may be distributed among them (see GIRM 109). I wouldnt expect them to be bashing Protestantism. There is no reason why it must continue for the High Mass in the Extraordinary Form. by. The Eucharist Prayer, the Our Father, and Holy Communion are all included in the Eucharist Liturgy. MASS OF THE CATECHUMENS. John D. HortonTACOMA WA, John, Thanks so much for that succinct history! The EF promotes humility in a wonderful way. Whereas Mass in the Ordinary Form was conceived as a very simple parish week-day Mass with possible additions for greater solemnity, every Mass in the Extraordinary Form is a more or less simplied version of the solemn papal Mass as celebrated in the early Middle Ages, and many of its ceremonies can only be explained by looking back at the . The two EF weddings for which I have had the honor of singing were both sung Masses the first a technically Low Mass (but we sang the ordinary), the second a Solemn High (about which the bride and groom wrote in Opinion Journal (both pre-motu proprio). December 2017 Juni 2022. Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. These terms distinguish it from a Low Mass and Missa Cantata. for the Traditional Latin Mass, - Links to multiple pdf's that provide the Ordinary of the Mass of the Roman Rite, November 2015 As people suggested, the thing most different was the level of silence About a year ago one of my college students was receiving the sacrament of Confirmation at her home parish. November 2020 Sermon for the Fifth Sunday After Easter, May 22, 2022 (TLM) May 22, 2022 571. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. Just as with the bishop and his priests, the deacon has the liturgy at the core of his identity and responsibility. July 2022 In the course of sharing refreshments, no Chorister is allowed to stand up or raise his . In ecclesial parlance, it can mean the group of singers who provide music for the Mass. YOUR MUGS HAVE ARRIVED FR. There's an important distinction that should be emphasized during the Mass. June 2018 For information, directions to the church, and more, visit Daytonlatinmass.org. I readily admit this is preference though. I don't think this is as much a problem during the Gloria as it is during the Credo. [That seems to be beyond the powers of the powers that be and in the realm of bullying.]. Very pleasing to the eye and very uncluttered able, Or a butterchurn Argent between three breeches two and one Purpur. Perhaps some of the boys couldnt show up so you have to fill in? CHAPTER THREE: SOME GENERAL NORMS FOR ALL FORMS OF MASS . (Oddly enough, I dont recall any conversations about how my singing in the choir, or my boys altar serving, might interfere with our family responsibilities because we wouldnt be sitting together at Mass). The Mass of the Catechumens (On Sundays before the Principal Mass the Asperges is usually sung first) The priest genuflects at the foot of the altar and joins his hands, the faithful kneel down. Worshippers attend a traditional Latin Mass July 18, 2021, at St. Josaphat Church in the Queens borough of New York City. May 2020 When travelling away from your parish, its always good practice to contact the pastor in advance to let him know you are coming, and then follow his lead. Burke to readers of Fr. Solemn Mass (Latin: missa solemnis), sometimes also referred to as Solemn High Mass or simply High Mass, is, when used not merely as a description, the full ceremonial form of the Tridentine Mass, celebrated by a priest with a deacon and a subdeacon, requiring most of the parts of the Mass to be sung, and the use of incense. The Gloria, also known as the "hymnus angelicus," is the Church's greatest hymn of praise, adoration, and thanksgiving addressed to each Person of . rcg, Hi:See: Joseph A. Jungmann, The Mass Of The Roman Rite.Fr. Thanks for your comment about priests serving at Mass once in a while. June 2015 The focus of this page is on the Mass according to the Roman Rite, which is the most common form of its celebration within the Catholic Church. January 2016 T. Finigan The hermeneutic of continuity, Benedict XVIs letter about SSPX excomms, Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue latine by Ernout & Meillet, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma by Ludwig Ott, Holy Sees response to clerical abuse of minors, Lexicon latinitatis medii aevi: Praesertim ad res ecclesiasticas investigandas pertinens, Souters A glossary of later Latin to 600 A.D, The Spirit of the Liturgy by Joseph Ratzinger, Fr. Your use of my Amazon affiliate link is a major part of my income. May 2017 Servant of God Archbishop Sheen, after making his Holy Hour early in the morning, would be served at Mass by his priest-secretary. Wow, who would have thought the liturgy would still be relevant? Such clergy are described as sitting in choir, and there is even appropriate choir dress for such occasions, distinct from ordinary clerical street clothing, but not liturgical vesture. Zs Blog, Days in Rome Project April/May 2023 UPDATED, WDTPRS 13th Ordinary Sunday: error binds and truth frees, Mail from a priest: It finally dawned on me that the dysfunction could be demonic. Then a short rant from @FatherZ, Mail From A Priest: I have finally begun offering the Traditional Latin Mass, From The Private Diary of Bishop F. Atticus McButterpants 23-03-04, LENTCAzT 2023 10: Ember Friday 1st Week of Lent Regret to late, C-Fam: Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, Fr. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. All sing. Inviting me to sit in choir made me feel included as clergy, even though there was no specific role for me in that particular liturgy. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM #37) tells us that there are songs that are rites in themselves, such as the "Gloria", the responsorial Psalm, the . A place to find hand missals to buy, and translations for Mass propers and readings to print. September 2014 We Latin Catholics could stand to learn a few lessons from our Eastern brethren. (Supplied)The Latin mass, or Tridentine Rite, was the norm for 400 years. Visits tracked by Statcounter August 2016 Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. being a subset of the liturgical year. Members of UnaVoce provided the servers and schola (choir) for the Mass Sept. 5. The Latin Mass Companion. Do you use my blog often? The feast of Corpus Christi at St. John Cantius Church in Chicago is an important experience for parishioners and visitors. To receive Christ worthily in the Holy Eucharist, one must be a baptized Catholic in a state of grace. On July 7, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI launched one of the boldest papal initiatives since Vatican II: He declared that the traditional liturgy of the Roman rite, which he said was never abrogated, was officially available to all the Church's faithful alongside the new liturgy of Pope Paul VI. So I took my place in one of the front pews. the Extraordinary Form of the Roman rite. Your email address will not be published. Nota bene: I do not answer these numbers or this Skype address. In addition to settings of the Mass Ordinary, it provides seasonal chants to use in place of the propers. sitting in choir at extraordinary form mass. Especially for a married deacon, this expectation can be a source of tension in his family, who prior to his ordination has been accustomed to attending Mass with him. The celebrant did not repeat these parts until the mendicant orders made it the practice of saying the Mass privately. The Extraordinary Form Mass was introduced to the church recently and parishioners are still adapting to it. It seems the people in charge of the music ministry should work to select the music not only based on the season, but to reinforce the readings at the least. Vatican City, Jul 16, 2021 / 08:31 am. In the motu proprio, issued July 16, the pope made sweeping changes to his predecessor Benedict XVI's 2007 apostolic letter Summorum Pontificum, which acknowledged the right of all priests to say Mass using the Roman Missal of 1962. Find the full schedule below). In practice, however, more than two deacons assisting in the sanctuary is cumbersome. February 2020 October 2013. At a Low Mass you won't really need to say anything except the "Domine, non sum dignus" (pp. Father Haynes, explained some of the differences between the extraordinary form and the ordinary form. No, this term does not mean the deacon sings with the musicians. December 2016 Two of the parishs five deacons were scheduled to serve the Confirmation Mass, so I sat in choir and helped to distribute Holy Communion. legacy obituaries springfield, mo / fidelity foundation address boston / sitting in choir at extraordinary form mass. At a High Mass, you may if you wish also join the choir in singing the "Et cum spiritu tuo's," Kyrie, Gloria & Credo (if any), Sanctus, and Agnus Dei. Please remember me when shopping online. When I went into the seminary the Mass was still in Latin, said Father Dyer. The third line of the summary says " "From beginning to Gloria" - kneel. with the Ordinary of the Mass and Propers for Sundays & principal feast days. In addition to the Latin, or Roman, tradition, there are seven other ecclesiastical traditions that are neither Latin or Roman. Diocesan priests (and I presume deacons be they transitional or permanent) are not allowed to assist with EF Masses in our parish, but are only allowed to sit in choir according to the Pastor (Diocesan, the FSSP share a Parish) and Bishop (though the rule was implemented by the former bishop). day of the liturgical year, and, at the bottom of the list, He said no thanks. The Mass has its own time, not ours. Intended for parish use as 3. June 2021 Mass Propers for Sundays & principal feast days, each collection Simply scroll down. Copyright 2023 Catholic Diocese of Jackson.Site design and development by Mad Genius. Corpus Christi Watershed is a 501(c)3 public charity dedicated to exploring and embodying as our calling the relationship of religion, culture, and the arts. that is known today as the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, or more commonly, the "Traditional Latin Mass." 3. March 2022 (Coincidentally, todays 8 A.M. Eucharist at St. John the Divine Episcopal Cathedral demonstrated that the exact opposite approach can also be spot-on: It was a simple, moving, and lovely service with absolutely no music at all. Therefore, ACTIVATE YOUR CONFIRMATION and get to work! of the Dominican Rite, and of the Carmelite Rite, as they were celebrated in 1962. Through reflection, presentations, and prayer, we will explore and reflect upon how worship can draw upon our rich tradition and at the same time speak powerfully to our contemporary culture. These are the Armenian, Byzantine, Coptic, Ethiopian, East Syriac (Chaldean), West Syriac, and Maronite traditions. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal emphatically states, After the priest, the deacon, in virtue of the sacred ordination he has received, holds first place among those who minister in the Eucharistic Celebration (GIRM 94). December 2020 Fr. The instruction's fifth point permits the celebration of the extraordinary form of the Latin rite of the Mass (essentially the pre-Vatican II Mass) at four specific times (7 a.m., 7:30 a.m., 8 a . The word choir has multiple meanings. A place to find hand missals to buy, and translations for Mass propers and readings to print. Its okay for a priestnot to concelebrate, but to sit in choir in proper choir dress. August 2017 Check this page for some resources for the Latin Mass, also known as the Extraordinary Form. the other parts being assigned to the minister responsible for them (Schola--all music, sub-deacon--Epistle, Deacon--Gospel). The 11:00 am Mass will be a Solemn High Mass, followed by an outdoor procession with the Blessed Sacrament in the parish gardens. (A beautiful church, btw rcg) A small choir contributed a stunning rendition of a Renaissance Mass setting by Cristbal de Morales, to which the homilist made reference. Fathers Simmons and Thomas participated in the training. A fuller account of these matters can conveniently be found in B. Andrew Mills, 'Psallite Sapienter: A Musician's Practical Guide to the 1962 Roman Missal.'That book also summarises the liturgical laws governing what must be sung, and what can and cannot be sung, at . The community found a home in vari- ous . - St. John Paul II. VIEWS. As we pass the 13th anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI's Motu Proprio, Summorum Pontificum, more priests and consequently a greater number of the faithful have begun participating in the Traditional Latin Mass or Extraordinary Form, and more resources have been produced to help provide a . Ministry of deacons That isn't acceptable before a superior in the natural order, so seems even more important to be there kneeling in the supernatural. Springfield's Latin Mass has no music, while a full choir performs at Quincy's weekly Mass. Intended for parish use as a reusable pew missal. I've only been a handful of times and am still quite confused by much of it ( let me say though, that the . Fr. This is the only acceptable way to receive Holy Communion in the traditional Latin Mass. January 2022 August 2022 6. sitting in choir at extraordinary form mass 25. But in architectural terms, the choir is a location in the church situated near the sanctuary where clergy sit who are present, but not serving in the liturgy. January 2014 In the liturgy, as in his life, the deacon is called to stand in the person of Christ the Servant, just as the priest stands in the person of Christ the Head. - Links to pdf's, each containing some form of "Instruction" You won't get me "live". An ordinary is an officer of a church or municipal authority who, by nature of their office, has the usual ability to execute laws. A part of me wonders if I spurred on this question! Prior to this point in liturgical history, all Mass were said "in (litugical) choir" with the celebrant only saying/singing those parts that pertained to him (greetings, oration, Canon, etc.) There are also plans in the near future to celebrate the ordinary form in Latin at the Cathedral. Benedict declared that the edition of the Roman Missal that was published in 1962 is to be regarded as a extraordinary form (forma extraordinaria) of the Roman Rite. December 2019 June 2016 Mass Missals are available that include all Daily, Sunday and Holy Day Masses, and shorter versions for only Sundays and Holy Days are also available. I'm sure it won't convince any of my colleagues of the merits of the Classic Solesmes method, but it may be of some interest to our readers. 254. Both forms are based in the Latin language and may be celebrated in Latin. The Unremarkable. The point I wish to make is that sitting together at Mass is a relatively small matter. [Note: We have placed the following in table form for your convenience.] September 2020 Cardinal Raymond Burke gives the final blessing during the Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage Mass in Rome on Oct. 25, 2014. I once had a cardinal serve Mass for me. Or do they sit when the priest does and then awkwardly genuflect from a sitting position when the choir gets to that part? A church service known as high mass is one that is performed in a Catholic church and features a greater degree of formality than a regular mass would. October 2014 Their pastor may not have needed me in the sanctuary, but the lay people assisting him seemed to think it was strange for a member of the clergy to be there and not serve according to his office. But, during the Mass, the differences should be highlighted. July 2017 My father only recently retired from his usher duties. This pastor is in his mid sixties, and was a religious order priest prior to being incardinated into the diocese several years ago. Will you be a "Custos Traditionis" and commit to a DAILY 'Memorare' and WEEKLY penance? A terrific resource for music for the Latin Mass, and books and articles to read about the Latin Mass and liturgy. . There Deacon Ditewig talks about the unfortunate practice in some parts of the Church of deacons being discouraged from serving at the liturgy by their pastor (or others), for example, at a weekday Mass when deacons are presumably not needed.. Surely no priest could endure this ignominy. Of course, that assumes the choir is a good one and the music isn't terrible! Father Scott Haynes, SJC, celebrates the votive Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Friday, Sept. 5 in the cathedral using the extraordinary form. March 2018 Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops.. Watch the Entire Mass of the Americas in the Extraordinary Form. By Mary Woodward It's probably me, still confused, but the summary for High Mass seems at odds with the main text, in particular no. They also do workshops for the ordinary form of the Roman Rite. This retired priest (Fr. I think you hit it on the nose with the service focus, but a collective noun ought to sound linguistically elegant. I traveled to that parish in order to celebrate with her. Thanks in advance. In desperate need for God, whom he nevertheless refuses to adore, modern man in his loneliness and frustration will hunger more and more for membership in a community that will give him enlargement of purpose, but at the cost of losing himself in some vague collectivity. Order (generic vis a vis grades of orders, but functional). 414. St. Mary's Catholic Church 600 N. Liberty St. Independence, MO 64050. the Propers and Ordinary of the Mass all of which are being sung by the schola/choir and the "Mass of the Celebrant" who said all the words of the Mass including those already sung the schola. We read that in the end time, Christ comes from the East. Fr. I was listening to the excellent Dr. Bergsmas lectures on the Song of Songs the other day, and had the thought that the fundamental failure of understanding I have had about our all male priesthood is not that we have an all male priesthood, but that, in as much as we are all assembled and collectively to be the Bride of Christ, we have an all female Ecclesia. In the Sistine chapel on the 24th of October, Father Bugnini presided over a normative Mass that was attended by the Synod Fathers. [Choir sings the Introit] P: In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. My wife is singing in the choir loft along with my father-in-law. The extraordinary form much better conveys the concept of the servant priest. Additionally, this date must be within about seven days of the astronomical full moon. It is highly desirable that a choir or schola cantorum be established in all cathedral churches, in parish churches, and all other churches of importance where the liturgical functions can be carried out as described in paragraph 93a, and c. regarding the Traditional Latin Mass. You may sit again when the priest sits while the choir sings. September 2015 UnaVoce is a lay Catholic organization dedicated to Gregorian chant and polyphony in the church and the incorporation of it in both forms of the Roman Rite. I like the priest not having to really involve the laity by saying things loudly or with a microphone. September 2016 Use your tablet or smart phone Chapter IV . I really like hearing the choir's drawn out singing and the priest having to "wait". Your email address will not be published. December 2013 November 2016 Log in. Extraordinary Form 101. My "challenge coin" for my 25th anniversary of ordination in 2016. MUSIC FOR LENT - Don't mention the 'A' word. The Mass is composed of four distinct portions, which are as follows: The Gloria, the Penitential Rite, and the Opening Prayer are all included in the Introductory Rites, The Readings, the Gospel, the Homily, and the Prayers of the Faithful are all included in the Liturgy of the Word. Administration (Im partial to this one) In the Austin Diocese, the St. Joseph Latin Mass Community (SJLMC) was formed under the direction of Bishop John McCarthy in Advent of 1988. But sometimes the deacons liturgical obligations are spoken of as a source of tension between a deacons clerical and marital vocations, and I see no reason this would have to be so. I thought about this recently when re-reading sections of The Deacon at Mass: A Theological and Pastoral Guide, by Deacon William Ditewig. Even before I was ordained, I sang in the choir for 15 years. THE DISCONNECT BETWEEN THE PRIEST AND THE CHOIR IN A GOOD HISTORY ON THE VERNACULAR IN THE LITURGY. July 2014 It seems that the prevailing practise in England and Wales, can be summarised as: As the priest enters, the congregation should. The result is that the deacon may need to attend more than one Mass a weekend, perhaps attending one Mass with his family and assisting at others. JACKSON On Friday, Sept. 5, 100 people gathered in St. Peter Cathedral to celebrate Mass in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite, known by many as the Tridentine Mass or the Latin Mass. Benedict XVI letter to Bishops July 7, 2007. This blog is like a fusion of the Baroque salon with its well-tuned harpsichord around which polite society gathered for entertainment and edification and, on the other hand, a Wild West saloon with its out-of-tune piano and swinging doors, where everyone has a gun and something to say. Clear, straight commentary on Catholic issues, liturgy and life by Fr. The joyful portions, Gloria and Credo, are not included in the requiem mass. We usually use it to refer to a group of singers. Almighty and Everlasting God, in whose Hand are the power and the government of every realm: look down upon and help the Christian people that the heathen nations who trust in the fierceness of their own might may be crushed by the power of thine Arm. Theres a servery of deacons! or whatever the term is. After the calendar list there are Requiem and Pope . Votive Masses. I asked if I could sit in choir. If its not possible because one or more members of the family are attending to other duties, it does not mean ones family responsibilities are being neglected. April 2015 Plans now are for some simple diocesan directives for the extraordinary form to be issued by Bishop Kopacz. and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden and even considered harmful. I've seen all these at EF Masses. Pope Francis issued a motu proprio on Friday restricting Masses celebrated in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite. to establish one at a church where it has not been April 2016 In regular English: On a shield of gold is, After saving Frodo and depositing the ring into the fire, Sam was able to utter Beetlejuice three times and summoned, I wept with tears of both sadness and joy reading this. At the risk of being accused of Clericalism, I prefer the Priest on the Altar to lead, and for there to be clear and easily distinguished lines between he and the laity. Jesus is . We very rarely all sat together at Mass, so this was not much of a transition for us. My Byzantine friends tend to have a much more developed sense of diaconal identity and ministry. This has my mind turning what would be the collective noun? In Summorum Pontificum, the Pope Emeritus declared that the Traditional Latin Mass, in use in the Western Church for 1,500 years, would henceforth be known as the "Extraordinary Form" of the Mass.. Consequently, the Mass commonly known as the Novus .