"When the people fear their government there is tyranny. The calls started Wednesday. Now who you work for, when you go to work, how much you make; is all stored in a government database. She offered me her badge and supervisors number. It is my constitutional right to privacy. Access American Community Survey data on the Census Bureau's new platform, data.census.gov. Passive resistance is no longer an option. I again said no. This summer I sold my house and tried to cancel my FEMA flood insurance. I said, what makes you think I'm going to turn over my personal information to a total stranger knocking on my door. We received the form last spring. Before the second visit, I posted a 'no trespassing' sign at the bottom of the stairway leading up to my garage apartment. When I did return it, I left off my personal business. In this workshop, you will find out how important the American Community Survey is for the nonprofit community and the unique ways nonprofits can use ACS data. I want to thank you for this site and for all of the posters sharing their experiences and offering insight and information. Give me one reason I should trust my government. Unfortunately it does not state that the number of people is the only thing allowed to be collected by the census. It's all very true, and very real. We're starved after working all day on our house renovation. I was really hoping she would stick around and argue with me some more, I was kind of of enjoying it because I knew there wasn't anything she could do. Why am I being asked for my name? I actually worked for the Census in 1970. The American Community Survey releases new data every year, in the form of estimates, in a variety of tables, tools, and analytical reports. She said she would mark me as "refusing" and I said fine and hung up. Uncle Sam gets my money but what happens in my home stays in my home. It is the premier source for detailed population and housing information about our nation. It's now the end of Jan. 2010 and I just received my second ACS form. I have already received two calls. The Census sites say as much if you read them, something like 'well wee don't really want to fine anyone'. This United States Supreme Court case has never been overturned. After they fill out the form, I seriously doubt they think about you ever again. Lastly, if you are a proper pet owner, then you consider you dog, cat, etc. As a descendant of both victims and survivors of the Auschwitz death camps, I have a keen sense of the length and breadth of what government intrusion in the lives of private citizens can result in. As a current enumerator I'd like to say thanks to the great majority of people who have courteously answered census questions. Spending good taxpayer dollars on another social joke. New cases and investigations, settlement deadlines, and news straight to your inbox. The percentage of household income spent on rent plus utilities increased from 2019 to 2021 and renters with the lowest annual income saw the largest spikes. That's why every selfish person here complains that the government doesn't use resources in the right place; the government waits too long to address problems; the government wastes money. They do snoop around. We do live in a relatively remote area, and none of them can make sense of maps they are provided with. How do we know who these people actually are? IE: IRS, DOT, Labor and Industry. It's called the "American Community Survey", and for some who've. OK anon75478: Then you won't mind answering these question will you? [14] https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/about/qbyqfact/2016/StructureRooms.pdf. So, do I really need to fill this out, or can I use it to line my bird cage? She was asking the questions again and I told her that I already filled out the form so there is no reason for me to fill it out again. It's a breath of fresh air. The rest I will leave blank or make up. I don't believe the ACS should, or has the right, to require more. Relentless! Don't remember getting the long form but if I did, I would have tossed it unopened since I already did my duty filling out the census and mailing it in. so i will protect myself and my privacy and never give in just for the fact its my right!!!!!!!!! If that thing were to get lost or some person where I mailed it, there's a lot of things that I don't want them to have. This is plain wrong! Why all the bad-mouthing of these people who are taking these jobs to support their families in these hard economic times? And a law without consequences is no law at all. We have been like a frog cooked in our own water slowly. She said she must have my name, home address which I gave. The employees of the Nazi Gestapo and Brownshirts said the same thing. When neighbors gave them basic information, apparently the census taker then discussed the fact that they'd looked into tax records for "the residents of our home". its no joke. I started my business for 75 cents. Or are they? I was told that they get thousands of calls per day of people complaining about the ACS. We just got the letter today, to expect the questionnaire. This is crazy -- why is this still going on and why aren't people doing something about it? [19] https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/about/qbyqfact/2016/EducationalAttainment.pdf. Then, there were just basic questions for everyone. Featured Respond to the ACS Hello, Legally, yes, you are required to answer the census survey. It actually notes in it "Your response to this survey is required by law (Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections 141 and 193).Title 13, as changed by Title 18, imposes a penalty for not responding." Enough is enough and get real. i told her no, she kept asking, i kept telling her no and eventually snuck in my apartment when she drove to park. I am so thankful for this website! They have no right to know. I've been through one round of the no-response ordeal back in '08 and everything turned out just fine. this is the letter I sent the census bureau. Like its children it seems it wants us to be happy and being so it has empowered us to live our dreams freely, Know you are worth it, see it and feel it and it will be. Person 30. With the census bureau losing over 600 laptops, and the current abuses of power, I see no reason to give out the information that they are asking. Enumeration. i respect my government and i am proud to be an american, but since when is it any of their business if i have a hot water heater or how far i travel to work? Also, someone please answer this question: How can the census determine how many illegals are in the US, when they don't pay taxes, use our social security numbers, etc.? We are entitled to "Quiet Enjoyment" of our homes. 1. And then I get this BS from a government agency? Poster 188. And you all sound sober and mature, not the lunatic fringe at all. The survey also asks how many bedrooms and bathrooms you have in your house, along with the fuel used to heat your home, the cost of electricity, what type of mortgage you have and monthly mortgage payments, property taxes and so on. [15] https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/about/qbyqfact/2016/YearBuilt.pdf. Table from ACS 1-Year Estimates Data Profiles, released by American Community Survey. I will comply when they 1) remove the millions of illegals from U.S. soil, 2)oust criminals who do not even pay their taxes from political power positions, 3) listen to the will of their constituency and remember we are a "representative republic" not a "Banana Republic" 4) stop plotting the demise of American citizens with their plans for a Eugenicists health care plan. mandatory. Because the rich have been given free passes by laws created by and for the rich, we must beware these so called laws they create. If you believe you are being unduly harassed by a Census Bureau employee, either by telephone or in person, it is in your best interestto carefully document the time, place and manner of the incidents and file a complaint with the U.S. Census Bureau. At first, I completed the survey, sealed it in the envelope, and then did not send it. Discussions on this page are currently closed. A: If you receive notice that you have been targeted to respond to the ACS and you desire to assert your right of privacy, you can voice those objections and your intent not to respond to the ACS by writing a letter to the Census Bureau. It is confined to determining the number of Representatives [in the House] and imposing direct Taxes among the several States. Hurrah for Senator Michelle Bachmann (MN) who has said, I understand, that she will not fill out this piece of trash. When are they going to get the hint and stop? In a 13-page order, United States District Judge David G. Estudillo found that the federal government never subjected the plaintiffs, who refused to take the American Community Survey (ACS), to a genuine threat of prosecution. As a result, the judge wrote, the plaintiffs claims are not ripe for review., A key contention between the parties was whether the government communicated to the plaintiffs a specific warning or threat of prosecution over their refusal to fill out the ACS. Remember, they work for you, not the other way around. Then, the phone calls started and they won't stop. Thesis: It is best to be professional and courteous when speaking in person and on the phone to the ACS representatives. The census cannot ask or get your social security number in any way and you can supply any name you want. How many of our signers of the Declaration of Independence would fill out and sign THIS ACS form? Do you think Cass Sunstein knowing how many people, of what age, have physical and emotional disabilities is for the benefit of your family? Washington and California residents have filed a proposed class action in which they object to being asked to participate in theAmerican Community Survey, which enquires about certain demographic details more specific than those central to the decennial Census. He said he'd have the "government guy" contact me the next day. I am with all of you that it is all wrong and will not return the form. Will we ever return to our freedoms? But at the same time, phones are not supposed to be tapped. I informed my employer that I will not answer the ACS, that I filled out the Census, and that is all they get. I have contacted all of my federal and state Representatives and it is time they passed a census privacy act. I am going to avoid all traps and when it is time to have them finally come over I am going to do an international webcast and sing answers and slowly say, ohhhhh I don't know.let me think and sit there for 15 minutes for each question.everyone will know where I don't work, how much money I don't make and that I don't have plumbing and that I fart a lot That's the game the Nazi's started with in the 30's as did Stalin, with the knocks on the door and the spying on each other. Well, it's just arrived in the form of a mail packet that asks volumes of personal, none of your business information. [31] https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/about/survey-is-mandatory.html. I have a five year old. It is simply nobodys business. Now I find out he has been to my place of employment looking for me. She informed me if I did not answer her questions, eventually the county sheriff would come. I had missed several calls but the pattern seemed to be that I got them every other day. ), vacated sub nom. I don't see what the big deal is. an American History (Eric Foner) Civil Liberties and Rights. I'm so glad I'm not alone. Kilbourn v. Thompson, 103 U.S. 168, 190. I guess we'll just wait and see. Questions and Answers about the ACS in , , Franais, Kreyl ayisyen, , Polski, Portugus, , Espaol, Vit Ng. I think when they show up at my door, I will tell them I am house sitting for the owners who are out of town for the next six months. no one here is related etc., etc. It sure the hell is. she said go ahead i'll wait. all this while he was getting ready for work. Referring to financials, I told them to ask the IRS. I wonder how many of those opposing census questions will annually volunteer much more private information and their personal wealth to a real evil unconstitutional organization - the IRS. I have half a mind to call the local news media and tell them this story. And the survey demands that you violate the privacy of others by supplying the names and addresses of your friends, relatives and employer. It also asked for the full names, DOB, SS# of all person including children. Bottom line: we are supposed to give private information to individuals who are part time, temporary employees of Uncle Sam, the ACS seems to be confused about what they have and have not received and the US Postal Service seems not to be working either. If they refuse, call 911 and report a hostile trespasser. Yesterday, a lady came by and tried to ask questions about the form. we demand a trial by jury of our pears, but how many wiggle, squirm and lie every which way to get out of serving when it's their turn? The right to privacy is also inherent in many amendments to the Bill of Rights, such as the 3rd, the 4th, search and seizure and the 5th, self incrimination limit. [36] Florida v. Royer, 460 U.S. 491, 498 (1983). We got our second ACS in the mail along with a follow up postcard. To meet hiring needs in instructional areas, we are hosting an in-person job fair at Oakton High School on Saturday, March 4, 2023 (9 a.m. - 1 p.m.). The states collect the tax and turn the money over to the federal government. As a retired LEO, state law keeps all my info private, unless court ordered. If, as you say, all of this info can be found online already, then get it online, without my help. Something is wrong in this country when the hard working middle class is getting stomped out from top to bottom. I say, "I don't care who you are. She was really trying to get the information and finally gave up and told me she will write down that I refused. And finally, to the person who looked up the Census rep's name then mentioned her husband had called and wanted her to stop at the store so she looked at him in shock? The only one who seemed to do anything on it was Freedom Watch Judge Napolitano. What time do the male members of your household go to work? Then we find out she is our next-door neighbor! Now the latest. So give them a call or send an e-mail and see if someone there can help stop the phone calls. Currently, Oscar is a 7-year-old boy with ODD whose refusal behaviors have begun to be both verbally aggressive and physically violent. Person 48. Our world leaders are puppets, and the puppet master is greed. I just left a "Tea Party" I found out I'm not the only 1 that was asked to fill out two census forms, one asking me if I could go up and down stairs, how long it takes for my husband to go to work, how does he get there,how many rooms is in my house, do I have flush toilets, what kind of health insurance, how much is my house payment, insurance on my house, do I have insurance, etc. I live in upstate New York and was just threatened that the census taker would be back with the police and his supervisor because I refused to fill out the form. I have contacted The American Center For Law and Justice. I found out on a different blog that the OMB# on the front of my ACS is expired. I filled out my census. If I received the ACS survey in the mail, I would probably just put down the number of people in my household, but there is nothing on the 10 question survey that any Tom, Dick, or Harry can't find out on the internet quite easily. Asking for federal money or federal representation is a huge mistake. Cowards! As she walked away, I told her that her husband Ray just called and wanted her to stop at the store at a location next to her house. the census is just a way of allocating seats for elected officials and that's all. I work for a defense contractor, and when I applied for a security clearance, there were way fewer questions, and much less invasive than were on the ACS long form. Bunch of whiners who think the world revolves around their little lives and have paranoid conspiracy theories from watching too much TV. What you guys who love to quote the constitution fail to take into account are all of the amendments the government has quietly put in since it was first written. One fact I see missing is that they say you are cheating you state and city out of government funds (our tax dollars). Finally, she asked me if I was refusing to answer the questions and if I wanted her to put that down. I am becoming more and more ashamed I fought for this newly founded socialist government. As a consequence, conspiracy theories flourished and quickly spread. Skip to main content. I filled in only the number of adults and children and wrote a note on the form that this was the only information I would provide. So, I tore off the page with my address on it and shredded it, and then I tossed the rest of the survey into the garbage. This is not for every citizen, so we will not participate. Q: Is this an unconstitutional invasion of privacy? Someone brought up a good point, either here or on another forum. I replied you already have our ages and that we are members of the human race. It's been an easy decision for me. I am young and strong and will not put up with this sort of thing. It is the premier source for detailed population and housing information about our nation. I sent an e-mail to headquarters. For these reasons and likely more, the ACS has been said to be unanswered by about 45% of its recipients. So, my husband filled it out with the lady standing at my front door. You wouldn't be getting personal visits and/or phone calls from these Census workers right now. It's paranoid people like you all who cause your communities not to get the funding they need. Please, that's where this money is going in there pockets. Thank you for creating this site and letting me know that I am not alone with receiving these and answering them. I am a law abiding American citizen, tax payer (working 2 jobs) and a registered voter, not a criminal or bum or illegal immigrant living off the tax payers. Then I received the long form, ignored it and received another long form which I also ignored. The present state of affairs is a direct result of our collective ignorance. The government is doing nothing wrong! I first starting receiving these things by mail like 4 years ago. Start Here . The small, everyday, humdrum, quietly approved bills they do each day are where the danger lies and more attention should be paid to those. The states need to reassert their rights back from the federal government. I like the idea of the videocam. Call your senators and congressman now and lets get these commie creeps out of our lives and off our backs. :0 We shall not be intimidated! Actually: for thoe who think you can merely fill out the form and not be called, that's a lie! Read more here: Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Claims. I'm fed up with the ACS and all their nosing in my business. First from a phone bot then yesterday a phone call from a real person. I went through this myself and I read a Web forum that spanned several years with posters who had received the form, and what they had experienced. By their asking their questions (limited to how many people live here) you have "met" your legal obligation to the Census. Who is there to police the police?